The holdings of the Records Management and Archives, the Library’s Special Collections and Archives, and the Visual Collections Repository contain documents that reflect the culture, perspectives, and biases of the times in which they were created. These documents may include harmful and offensive language, terminology and imagery, and evidence of discriminatory views.
Concordia University’s archival and special materials repositories aim to describe archival materials accurately and in ways that respect the records creators, as well as those communities that use and are represented in the records. We acknowledge the importance of identifying instances of racism, sexism, homophobia, ableism, and other forms of discrimination, and recognize that harmful language, terminology, and views may be found in the records preserved in our repositories and reflected in the descriptions that help enable access.
If you have concerns about descriptions that you find problematic or hurtful in the catalogue, please contact the repository responsible for maintaining the description(s):
• Records Management and Archives:
• Special Collections and Archives:
• Visual Collections Repository: