61 Archival description results for Montreal
The Al Palmer Fonds provides information on Montreal and other cities, as gathered by Al Palmer through his journalistic career between 1940 and 1971.
The fonds includes thematic files on people and topics that Al Palmer covered in his columns and police chronicles. It contains notes, copies of court records, clippings, programs, brochures, and photographs.
Palmer, Alan DouglasCardinal Leger and spectators. Includes: J. H. Mitchell S. J., Patrick Malone S. J., Gordon George S. J., Father MacDonald, F. U. Noll.
Sir George Williams University graduates at Place des Nations, Expo 1967.
Future site of the new Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV)
The collection consists of materials assembled by the plaintiffs' lawyers and deposited with the Quebec Superior Court in connection with the Corridart case. The collection documents the conception and execution of Corridart, as well as its abrupt dismantling and the legal proceedings that followed. There are materials related to the careers of the artists who participated in the court case, and information about related legal precedents.
The collection includes an inventory by Melvin Charney of the sites along Sherbrooke Street, explaining the conception of Corridart as a rue-musée qu'on visite à pied. There is also a comprehensive set of photographs of Corridart, documenting the common elements (the continuous assemblage), as well as the works exhibited along Sherbrooke Street, the panels of text, and the sites of activities. These photographs trace the entire Corridart route from east to west. There are photographs documenting the dismantling. Others show impounded works and several illustrate damage to works. The collection includes project proposals, planning documents, contracts between artists and COJO, correspondence, articles from legal journals, reports of meetings, blueprints, and sketches. There are also artists' curricula vitae, photographs, brochures, and other documents related to the artists' careers that were assembled to establish their status as professional artists.
The collection is arranged into the following two series:
P0119/1 Textual and related documents
P0119/2 Photographs of Corridart installations
The fonds documents the activities including the intra-mural and varsity programs of the Loyola College Department of Athletics from 1901 until 1975.
It contains team contracts, rosters, programs, schedules, reports, press clippings, films of games, objects, photographs, etc. It also contains files related to the introduction of the program in Bio-Physical Education which was initiated by the Department of Athletics and its director, Ed Enos.
The fonds is organized in the following series:
I034.1/1131 Curriculum Development Files - Faculties and Academic Departments
I034.1/1310 Academic Session Organization
I034.1/1330 Teaching Activities
I034.1/4210 University Policies and Procedures
I034.1/4310 Internal Audit
I034.1/5110 Planning
I034.1/5111 Committees and Meetings
I034.1/5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses
I034.1/5160 University Events
I034.1/5170 External Relations
I034.1/5172 Public Relations Activities
I034.1/5250 Group Insurance
I034.1/5260 Civil Liability Insurances
I034.1/5262 Insurance Claims without Litigation
I034.1/5410 Internal News and Announcements
I034.1/5420 Media Relations
I034.1/5430 Media Coverage
I034.1/5460 Promotional Materials
I034.1/6110 Staff and Position Management
I034.1/6111 Job Profiles
I034.1/6131 Job Posting and Hiring Criteria
I034.1/6210 Administrative and Support Staff ‐ Permanent Employee Files
I034.1/8110 Space Management
I034.1/8120 Property Files
I034.1/9211 Historical Evolution
I034.1/9510 Recreation Programs Management
I034.1/9520 Varsity Sport Management
I034.1/9530 Varsity Sport Teams and Clubs
I034.1/9540 Championships and Tournaments
I034.1/9550 Sport and Athletics Recognition Events
I034.1/9560 Athletics Awards and Bursaries
Group of students seated in classroom with two professors
Five people wearing smokings and top hats. Included: Mc N., Enright, Wolfe, Lonergen, Patrick Malone.
The Refectory building decorated for the Garden Party Day.
Fonds contains records relating to the Grant family’s everyday activities and occupations. The material includes bills, receipts, certificates, wills, policies, instructional documents, poetry, prescriptions, correspondence between friends and family in Ontario, Montreal, Scotland, and the United States, sermons, religious material, and records relating to the Victoria Toll Bar on Victoria Road.
The fonds has been divided into six series:
F010/A. Attestations, wills, and certificates
F010/B. Correspondence
F010/C. Financial records
F010/D. Instructional records
F010/E. Objects
F010/F. Victoria Toll Bar
Three people in winter, one holding a shovel, surrounded by a crowd.
Announcement on the Hall Building construction site.
Construction of the Hall Building.
Site for the construction of the Hall Building.
Announcement on the Hall Building construction site.
Construction of the Hall Building.
Announcement on the Hall Building construction site to mark the start of demolition of buildings occupying the future university site at Burnside [later de Maisonneuve Blvd.] and Bishop St.. Principal and Vice-Chancellor Robert C. Rae and Gloria Stieger, President of the Students' Undergraduate Society.
Excavation for the Hall building.
Excavation for the Hall Building.
Announcement on the Hall Building construction site. A worker is using a crane.
Building of one of the contractors working on the Hall Building.
Announcement on the Hall Building construction site. From left to right, an unidentified person, Mona Osborne, Dr. John O'Brien, an unidentified person and J.-P. Petolas.
Construction of the Hall Building.
The photograph was taken at Beaver Lake on Mount Royal the day of the Sir George Winter Carnival by for J.P. Zweig.
The fonds is reflective of Hall’s forty-year career as a counselor, instructor, and administrator at Sir George Williams University in Montreal, Quebec and leader in the field of Canadian education. Materials in this fonds also highlight Hall’s life-long work with the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Montreal, his commitment to the growth of Sir George, his role as a respected public figure, his participation in the scientific and religious communities of Montreal, and his diverse personal interests including astronomy, biology, and the history of the Eastern Townships.
The fonds primarily consists of Hall’s teaching notes and course outlines, research, correspondence, his drafts of "The Georgian Spirit: The Story of Sir George Williams University," typed addresses and presentation notes, and conference materials, as well as personal documents such as notebooks, educational records, and gifts. Also included are awards, diplomas and certificates, photographic material, memorabilia, and materials collected and used by Hall such as reports, publications, manuscripts, and press clippings.
The fonds is arranged in the following nine series:
P0006/A Personal records
P0006/B Teaching materials and research
P0006/C Correspondence
P0006/D Addresses, records from special events, and conference materials
P0006/E "The Georgian Spirit" manuscripts
P0006/F YMCA
P0006/G Eastern Townships
P0006/H Photographs
P0006/I Collected press clippings