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Demandes d’exposition
P0056/4A · Sous-série · 1972-2005
Fait partie de Fonds Galerie d’art Optica

La sous-série renseigne sur des demandes des artistes d'exposer leurs œuvres à la galerie et sur le travail du comité de sélection.

La sous-série comprend, sans y être limitée, des propositions d’exposition, de la correspondance, du matériel promotionnel, des photographies, des présentations, des CV, des critères de jury, un catalogue d’exposition, une déclaration d’artiste, des fiches d’information et des listes.

P0056/4 · Série · 1972-2005
Fait partie de Fonds Galerie d’art Optica

La série fournit des informations sur la planification d'expositions et d'événements à la GalerieOptica, de la demande d'exposition en passant par le processus de sélection jusqu'à la planification organisationnelle de l’évènement.

La série regroupe les sous-séries suivantes:

• P056/4A Demandes d’exposition
• P056/4B Planification des évènements

La série contient, sans y être limitée, des propositions d'exposition, des présentations de projet, des CV, des critères de jury, une déclaration d'artiste, des fiches d'information, des permis, des listes, des plans, des invitations, des formulaires, de la correspondance, des communications, des notes, des documents financiers, du matériel promotionnel, des articles de presse, des demandes de subvention, des photographies et des contrats.

P056/3 · Série · [1941], 1968, 1971-2007
Fait partie de Fonds Galerie d’art Optica

La série fournit des informations sur divers artistes, qui ont expose à la galerie Optica, ou qui ont été en contact avec la galerie. La série documente également des festivals et des expositions en dehors d'Optica.

La série contient des photographies, des enregistrements sonores, des images en mouvement, des affiches, des publications, des CV, des livres d'artiste, un communiqué de presse, une déclaration d'artiste, un dépliant, une proposition de projet, des articles de presse, des contrats et de la correspondance.

Fonds Galerie d’art Optica
P056 · Fonds · [1941], 1964-2008

Le fonds témoigne des activités de la Galerie Optica et de l’organisation administrative de la galerie depuis ses débuts en 1972 jusqu'en 2008.

Le fonds est organisé selon les séries suivantes :

P056/1 Finances
P056/2 Administration
P056/3 La scène artistique autour la galerie Optica
P056/4 Programmation
P056/5 Expositions et activités

Le fonds contient, entre autres documents, des demandes de subvention, des rapports, de la correspondance, des photographies, des enregistrements sonores, des images en mouvement, des affiches, des publications, des CV et autres informations biographiques, des livres d'artistes, des contrats, des propositions de projets, des permis, des listes, des invitations, des formulaires, des communications, des notes, des documents financiers, du matériel promotionnel, des articles, les lettres patentes, des procès-verbaux, un aperçu historique, des offres d'emploi, des communiqués de presse, des bulletins d'information, des statistiques, des baux, des polices d'assurance, des permis, des plans, un organigramme, des mises en page, des brouillons, des programmes, des graphiques, des dessins, des dossiers de presse, des cartes postales, des logos, des bibliographies et une médaille.

Galerie d'art Optica
Canada Weekend Post
C051 · Collection · 1987 - 1990

La collection Canada Weekend Post comprend 14 numéros du journal, ainsi que des coupures de presse. Les journaux et les coupures ont été publiés entre 1986 et 1990. Certains numéros et certaines coupures sont des reproductions des originaux.

Sans titre
Department of Philosophy fonds
I0023 · Fonds · 1968 - 2023

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University Department of Philosophy. Minutes of the Committee on Experimentation and Innovation in Higher Education as well as some correspondence are comprised in the fonds.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

5450 University Publications, 1973-2023
5461 Promotional Material, 1976-2002

The following publication is included in this fonds:

  • Gnosis, 1973-2022 (PUB-034)
Dhvani Sutras
I0164-11-0036 · Pièce · 2016
Fait partie de Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre

Six tracks by Sandeep Bhagwati in close collaboration with Ensemble Sangeet Prayog Pune.
This CD publication was funded by an AARE grant (Concordia University, Montreal) by the Canada Research Chair in Inter-X Art, among others.

RMA-2024-31 · Accession · 2009 - 2023
Fait partie de Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre

This transfer contains digitized and born-digital administrative records from the Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre. This transfer also contains a selection of digital photographs from various events organized by the Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

5110 Administrative Planning (2022-2023)
51111 Meetings (2013-2018)
5112 Reports and Analyses (2016-2020)
5113 Statistics (2015-2020)
5160 University Events (2011-2020)
9330 Community Engagement Projects (2009-2018)

I0057 · Fonds · 1986 - 2023

This fonds documents the administrative activities of the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

1110 Academic Planning
1130 Program Feasibility & Development - APC Committee
1131 Curriculum Development
1140 Academic Program Management
1141 Program Accreditation & Certifications
1160 Academic Program Appraisal
1210 Academic Co-operation Agreements
1220 Student Exchange Programs
1320 Support for Teaching
1410 Recruitment Academic Appointment
1430 CUPFA - Academic and Professional Dossier
1450 Academic Visitors
1470 Recognition Awards & Prizes to Professors
2120 Enrolment Statistics
2420 Support Services for Students
2430 Awards & Scholarships Programs
3210 Research Chairs
4120 Governing Bodies - Committees
4131 Delegation of Authority
4150 Honorary Distinctions - Selection Process
5110 Administrative Planning
5111 Meetings of Units
5112 Reports, Studies & Analyses
5160 University Events
5170 External Relations
5171 Conferences & Seminars - External
5172 Public Relations Activities
5220 Litigation
6110 Staff & Position Management
6120 Advisory Search Committees & Evaluation
6530 Negotiations
6551 Complaints & Grievances
9110 Fundraising Campaigns & Projects

Department of History fonds
I0054 · Fonds · 1965 - 2008

The fonds provides information on the administrative and curricular activities of the Concordia University Department of History.

The following series are included in the fonds:

1110 Academic Planning (1978-1981)
1131 Curriculum Development (1965-1993)
1140 Academic Program Management (1966-2002)
1160 Academic Program Appraisal (1974-1989)
1210 Academic Cooperation (1977-1980)
5110 Administrative Planning (1969-1996)
5111 Meetings of Units (1966-2012)
5113 Statistics (1970-1998)
5160 University Events (1974-1982)
5170 External Relations (1970-1989)
5410 Institutional Communication (1983-1998)
5450 University Publications (1975-2008)
5461 Promotional Material (ca. 1982-1993)

The fonds consists mainly of general correspondence, course evaluations, curriculum development files and publications.

The following publications are included in this fonds:

  • Concordia University History Journal, 1983-1984 (PUB-028)
  • Concordia History Students Journal, 1978 (PUB-054)
  • TimeLines – Newsletter of the Concordia History Department, 2003-2008 (PUB-339)
  • Historiae – Concordia Undergraduate Journal of History, 2003-2008 (PUB-345)
  • History in the Making – Annual Conference for Graduate Students of History, 1998-2005 (PUB-347)
  • History Course Guides, 1975-2000
  • History Graduate Programme Newsletter, 1986-1900
Sans titre
Velma Weeks Barker collection
C039 · Collection · [194-]-[199-]

The Velma Weeks Barker collection contains materials related to the life and contributions of Velma Weeks Barker.

This collection contains photographs and textual records. The personal photographs that comprise the collection show Weeks Barker and her family and include photographs taken in Little Burgundy and inside community spaces, including Union United Church. Many of the images were also taken in family spaces. The textual records include newspaper clippings referring to activities occurring at the Negro Community Centre and the Negro Theater Guild. This collection also contains materials related to her husband, Darnley Cecil Barker, including information about his participation in the Canadian Army and his immigration from Barbados to Canada to serve.

The Velma Weeks Barker collection includes the following items:

  • 35 photographs
  • 1 honorary degree certificate (Concordia University)
  • 1 marriage certificate (Union United Church)
  • 6 newspaper clippings
  • 1 letter

It also includes the following material, which belonged to her husband Darnley Cecil Barker:

  • 1 army discharge certificate
  • 3 soldier's pay book
  • 1 certificate of Canadian citizenship
  • 1 tradesman qualifications certificate
  • 1 discharge certificate from the Canadian Army
Sans titre
C050 · Collection · 1993

The Carl Johnson and François Morelli Residency collection documents Johnson and Morelli’s artist and writer residency at La Chambre blanche in Quebec City. The residency took place in1993, the year that marked the 15th anniversary of the artist-run center La Chambre blanche. The focus of the anniversary was a joint creative residency. The creative residency process began on May 3, 1993, and ended on May 13, 1993. The results were exhibited from May 13, 1993, to May 30, 1993. The project consisted in two series of eight postcards printed and sent out in groups of four. Postcards were sent by Carl Johnson and François Morelli to individual artists, cultural workers, and friends, who then modified the cards. These modified postcards were later returned to Carl Johnson and François Morelli and integrated into the artist’s book titled Indexer le lieu, inscrire le corps.

The collection consists of the postcards, the artist book Indexer le lieu, inscrire le corps, objects, textual records, photographs, artworks, and digital material.

Sans titre
Department of Music fonds
I0030 · Fonds · 1970 - 2013

This fonds documents the activities of the Department of Music. The fonds mainly consists of concert programmes and phonorecords.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

1131 Curriculum Development Files
1313 Course Outlines
2430 Awards and Scholarships Programs
5160 University Events
5450 University Publications
5461 Promotional Material

The following publication is included in this fonds:

  • PUB-107 Concordia Electro-acoustic Composers' Group Newsletter (1984-1986)
Sans titre
School of Graduate Studies fonds
I0032 · Fonds · 1964-2022

The fonds provides information on the administrative activities of the School of Graduate Studies. Minutes of meetings (most notably the Board of Graduate Studies (BGS)), curriculum development files and some correspondence are comprised in the fonds. It also includes records related to the Peace and Conflict Resolution Academic Series.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

1110 Academic Planning (1964-1969)
1150 University Calendars (1968-1985)
1160 Academic Program Appraisals (1971-1989)
1220 Student Exchange Programs (1993-2003)
2120 Enrolment Statistics (1979-1984)
2430 Awards and Scholarships Programs (2003-2017)
4120 Governing Bodies - Committees (1976-1987)
5110 Administrative Planning (1968-1973)
5111 Meetings of Units (2012-2017)
5112 Reports, Studies & Analyses (1968-1981)
5160 University Events (1983-2022)
5450 University Publications (1975-1980)
5461 Promotional Materials (1980-2021)

Sans titre
I0035 · Fonds · 1970-2017

The fonds provides information on the administrative and curricular activities of the John Molson School of Business.

It includes the following series of records:

1131 Curriculum Development (1976-1988)
1140 Academic Program Management (1974-1989)
4120 Governing Bodies - Committees (1973-1998)
5110 Administrative Planning (1979-1989)
5111 Meetings of Units (1973-1993)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (1975-2017)
5160 University Events (1974-1976)
5170 External Relations (1970-1989)
5450 University Publications (1975)

The fonds also comprises records related to the organization and promotion of the International MBA Case Competition (1982-2003): reports, correspondence, some media coverage and promotional materials.

Sans titre
I0053 · Fonds · 2000-2014

The fonds provides information on the administrative activities of the Concordia Campus safety and Prevention Services.

The followings series of records are included:

2410 Student Orientation Activities (2009-2010)
4130 Organizational Charts and Mandates (2000-2001)
5110 Administrative Planning (2000-2013)
5111 Meetings of Unit (2001-2014)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (2003-2010)
5113 Statistics (2003-2006)
5160 University Events (2002-2013)
5170 External Relations (2001-2006)
5440 Websites (2000-2001)
5450 University Publications (2008-2009)
5461 Promotional Materials
5510 IT Security Governance (2007-2008)
8410 Security Management (2000-2014)

I0048 · Fonds · 2006 - 2017

The fonds provides information on the administrative and curricular activities of the Concordia University Department of Geography, Planning and Environment.

The following series of records are included:

1313 Course Outlines
1410 Recruitment - Academic Appointments
5450 University Publications
5461 Promotional Material

The following publications are included in this fonds:

  • PUB-147 – Urban Scrawl (1987-1988)
  • PUB-148 – The Master Plan (1987)
  • Geography Course Guides (1976-1997)
  • Urban Studies Course Guides (1979-1997)
C025/C1 · Sous-série · 1916 ; 1958-1984
Fait partie de Alfie Roberts and Patricia Cambridge collection

La sous-série porte sur des sujets liés à la race, à la politique, au socialisme, au communisme et à l'histoire publiés en Amérique du Nord et dans les Caraïbes.

La sous-série comprend des livres de poche, des livres reliés et des copies non reliées de livres.

Academic Planning Office fonds
I0038 · Fonds · 1936 - 1986, mainly 1961 - 1984

Fonds provides information on the activities of the Academic Planning Office from 1967 to 1984, years for which J. H. Whitelaw was Curriculum Coordinator, Associate Vice-Rector and Vice-Rector (Academic). It also provides information on related activities in which J. H. Whitelaw was involved from 1961-1984.

Fonds contains mainly curriculum, statistics, textual records, correspondence, minutes, reports, press clippings, procedures and policies. The fonds is organized according to the following series:

I0038/01 Associations
I0038/02 Budget
I0038/03 Budget Control and Accounting
I0038/04 Committees
I0038/05 Computer Facilities and Operations
I0038/06 Cooperation and Exchange Activities
I0038/07 Curriculum & Programmes
I0038/08 Departmental Affairs
I0038/09 Financing
I0038/10 General Correspondence
I0038/11 Publications
I0038/12 Relations / Services External
I0038/13 Relations / Services Internal
I0038/14 Research Activities
I0038/15 Staff General
I0038/16 Staff Teaching
I0038/17 Statistics
I0038/18 Student Life
I0038/19 University Organizations, Policy and Planning

Sans titre
International Aviation MBA Program
I0037 · Fonds · 1991-2009

The fonds provides information on the administrative, curricular and marketing activities of the International Aviation MBA Program Office.

It includes promotional materials, records related to events organized by the office, some correspondence, course evaluations, program appraisal reports and photographs of graduating classes.

C025 · Collection · 1916 ; 1934-2010

La collection documente la vie et le travail d'Alfie Roberts et de Patricia Cambridge. Elle comprend de la documentation sur leurs études postsecondaires, leur expérience professionnelle dans différentes entreprises et organisations, leur contribution à la communauté noire et leur affiliation à divers organismes communautaires tels que la St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Montreal, le Emancipation 150 Committee, le Black Community Council of Quebec et le Project Genesis. La collection fournit des informations sur plusieurs organisations de la communauté noire à Montréal, dans le reste du Canada et en Amérique du Nord, y compris du matériel promotionnel d'événements qui donne un aperçu des activités culturelles organisées entre les années 60 et 90. De plus, la collection contient de nombreuses publications telles que des périodiques, des brochures et des livres qui faisaient partie de la bibliothèque personnelle d'Alfie et Patricia et de l'Alfie Roberts Institute. Certains des périodiques trouvés dans la collection comprennent des numéros de The Vincentian, Afro-Can, Gramma, Uhuru, Caribbean Contact, The Afro Canadian, The Militant, The Struggle, Outlet, Focus Umoja, Justice, Freedom, The Crusader, Nam Speaks, Speak Out, Day Clean, Forum et New Beginning, entre autres publications. La collection couvre des sujets liés, mais non limités à l'histoire des Noirs, l'impérialisme, l'esclavage, le racisme, la libération, le colonialisme, le marxisme, le communisme, le socialisme, le logement et la ségrégation, l'urbanisme, le travail et l'histoire de l'Afrique, des Caraïbes et de l'Amérique latine.
La collection Alfie Roberts and Patricia Cambridge est organisée selon les séries suivantes:
• C025/A Documents personnels
• C025/B Relations communautaires
• C025/C Bibliothèque et documentation de recherche
• C025/D Biographies

La collection contient de la correspondance, des notes, manuscrites, des essais écrits par Alfie Roberts et Patricia Cambridge, des documents de recherche, des livres, des périodiques, des coupures de presse, des brochures, des transcriptions de discours, des dépliants, des dessins, des documents de conférence, des affiches, des enregistrements sonores, des images en mouvement, des bulletins, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des ordres du jour, des photographies, des cartes et des objets.

Sans titre
Terence Byrnes fonds
P0295 · Fonds · 1970-2016

The fonds provides information on Terence Byrnes professional life as a photographer and as a writer and editor. The fonds also includes some material related to his teaching at Concordia University in the department of English, presentations he made at different colloquia and distinctions he received.

The fonds is comprised of extracts of articles he published, press clippings, interviews (audio and transcriptions) he conducted with other photographers, some correspondence and notes.

Sans titre
I0192 · Fonds · 1980-2018

The fonds provides information on the administrative activities of the International Students Office (ISO).

The following series are included:
1220 Student Exchange Programs (1986-2007)
2410 Student Orientation Activities (1980-2017)
5110 Administrative Planning (2004-2015)
5113 Statistics (2012)
5450 University Publications (1983-2018)

The fonds is comprised of records related to the student orientations (handbooks, guides and other information packages), minutes of planning and debriefing meetings, some statistics (University Support to International Students Survey, 2012), numbers of The Concordia Mosaic (1985-1986), the International Student Newsletter (1983-1984), Cross Roads (1997-2001) and the ISO Bulletin (2013-2018).