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12038 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
ARTE 300 - Class on Masks
P0229-09-0001 · Pièce · March 18, 1986
Fait partie de Leah Sherman fonds

Includes a performance with the masks made by students in ARTE300, instructed by Leah Sherman.

Transformation in Paper
P0206-09-0001 · Pièce · 1989
Fait partie de Kathryn Lipke fonds

This video examines the work of a number of artists working in paper and explores the way in which paper is being used as a sculptural medium.

Gibson - backup 1994-1995 mixes
P0096-11-0007 · Pièce · 1994-1995
Fait partie de Arthur and Marilouise Kroker fonds

Music by Steve Gibson . 1. I will tell U 3 things (3:30); 2. Fissures (10:17); 3. Lamentations III (13:48); 4. Lamentations IV (10:30); 5. Madonna Mutant Mutant -'94 re-mix (5:00); 6. Nostalgie (2:00); 7. Coda: Blue (2:35); 8. Xenotropic (10:45).

Kathryn Lipke fonds
P0206 · Fonds


The fonds will be available for consultation in Spring 2025.

Please contact Concordia University Records Management and Archives for more information: archives@concordia.ca.

Sans titre
John Cage
I0007-11-0068 · Pièce · January 16, 1979
Fait partie de Library fonds

John Cage performs three movements from his composition "Silence". Following the performance John Cage answers questions from the audience. I0007-11-068=AC.1 (44:22); I0007-11-068=AC.2 (51:56); I0007-11-068=AC.3 (39:44).

Alliance Québec
P0102/A · Série · 1982-1995
Fait partie de Marjorie Goodfellow fonds

This series provides information on Alliance Québec, an organization in which Marjorie Goodfellow played an active role as a vice-president and a member of its Advisory Council.

It includes constitutions and by-laws, newsletters (most notably: The Quebecer, Backgrounder and Quebec Notes), materials related to Alliance Québec's yearly convention (1982-1995), media coverage (miscellaneous press clippings), records related to different task forces and other ad hoc committees (notably the Task Force on Job Opportunities for English-Speaking Youth in Quebec, the Task Force on the Future of the English-Speaking Community or the Ad Hoc Group of Social Services).

This series also comprises news releases and communiqués, some minutes of the Board of Directors and different reports and guides published by Alliance Québec (notably the Linguistic School Boards: A Guide to understanding the changes to Quebec’s public school system and The Evolution of the Language Issue in Quebec 1977-1982).

Also included are correspondence and other records related to the relations Alliance Québec maintained with both Provincial and Federal Governments (ex: the Commission sur l’avenir politique et constitutionnel du Québec, the Standing Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on Official Languages and the Special Joint Committee of the House of Commons and the Senate on the 1987 Constitutional Accord).

Sans titre
Marjorie Goodfellow fonds
P0102 · Fonds · 1973-1995

The fonds provides information on Marjorie Goodfellow's activities as a staff members of the Sir George Williams University Library but mostly as an active member of Alliance Québec (she was Vice-President in 1985).

It includes reports, publications, minutes of meetings, constitution records, policies, press clippings and some correspondence related to Alliance Québec.

A composite photograph of the Sir George Williams University Library staff in 1973 can also be found in the fonds.

Sans titre
I0017-11-0038 · Pièce · August 2, 1982
Fait partie de Simone de Beauvoir Institute fonds

The plenary resumes as Oulimata Dia introduces Cheryl Dahl presenting on the importance of information in the work for change for women. Nalla Tan follows talks further on research and social action. Peggy McIntosh is back to the stand presenting on strategies for social change. Dia then opens the floor for questions and comments from the audience.

I0017-11-0037 · Pièce · August 2, 1982
Fait partie de Simone de Beauvoir Institute fonds

Maïr Verthuy makes some announcements. A gift, a banner woven with pieces of fabric of many countries, is presented to Verthuy by Peggy McIntosh. Oulimata Dia then introduces the plenary session on research and social action. Marie Eliou is first to present, followed by Alya Baffoun. Joycelin Massiah then looks at social research vs. research actions. The recording ends with Dia suggesting a short break.

I0017-11-0032 · Pièce · July 30, 1982
Fait partie de Simone de Beauvoir Institute fonds

Roxane Carlisle concludes her presentation. A break follows during which Norma E. Walmsley makes some announcements. The plenary resumes with Anne Walker talking about the importance of networking. Jeri Dawn Wine then takes the stand to talk about Resources for Feminist Research (RFR). Nelly Stromquist follows about resources and sources of funding related to research on women at International Development Research Centre (IDRC). Walmsley then opens the floor to questions and comments and Fatma Oussedik makes a statement about Arabic and Palestinian women and politics of teaching and research.

I0017-11-0031 · Pièce · July 30, 1982
Fait partie de Simone de Beauvoir Institute fonds

Norma E. Walmsley opens the plenary following some logistics-related announcements. Martha B. Stone is the first speaker on the topic of the needs for international and cooperative systems to ensure the availability of resources for information surrounding women. Wassyla Tamzali follows talking about the links between human rights and feminism. Roxane Carlisle then gives an account on the Women in Development Correspondents Group.

I0017-11-0029 · Pièce · July 30, 1982
Fait partie de Simone de Beauvoir Institute fonds

The recording starts with Eileen Lily Wahab who continues and concludes her presentation on media training for women's development. The final presenter, Sylvie Dupont, talks about the role of media from the perspective of a feminist magazine, La Vie en Rose. A period of exchanges with audience members follows.