The fonds consists of images of Thomas V. Hoyle and of Lacolle Manor.
Sans titreThe series documents the Montreal YMCA's mission statements, philosophy, values, policies, procedures, planning process, and evolving organizational structure. It includes documents related to planning exercises including surveys and other research.
The series includes staff policy and procedure manuals and policy statements on a range of issues and related records; demographic and other studies of client groups; reports, correspondence, minutes, agendas, charts and tables, brochures, maps, and other records.
The series is arranged as follows:
P0145/05A Mission.
P0145/05B Organization charts, directories.
P0145/05C Organizational review.
P0145/05D Policies, procedures.
P0145/05D01 Manuals.
P0145/05D02 Policies.
P0145/05D03 Language policy.
P0145/05E Planning, surveys.
P0145/05E01 1925 Montreal YMCA Population Study.
P0145/05E02 1946 Hugg Study.
P0145/05E03 1949-1952 Branch Study.
P0145/05E04 Guide Lines to the Sixties.
P0145/05E05 1964-1969 Planning and Development.
P0145/05E06 1969-1970 Planning Process.
P0145/05E07 1971 Planning Process Mobilization.
P0145/05E08 Development Plan for 1980-1985.
P0145/05E09 1984-1987 Strategic Plan.
P0145/05E10 1986-1988 Strategic Planning Review.
P0145/05E11 1990s surveys.
P0145/05E12 Small surveys and planning exercises.
P0145/05E13 Proposals for unrealized branches, facilities.
P0145/05E14 Source materials.
The collection provides visual information on Sir George Williams and his family.
The collection consists of photographs of paintings of Sir George Williams, photographs of Sir George Williams, photographs of the church he attended, photographs of his tombstone with his great-granddaughters Pamela Williams-Demetriade and Rosalie Williams Sinclair, and a biography of Sir George Williams by J.E. Hodder.
Sans titreThis collection is comprised of documents related to Concordia University and its founding institutions (Loyola College and Sir George Williams University) alumni and the activities they participated in during their student years. The first donation from this collection was received in October 1986.
It contains photographs, textual records, such as correspondence, school documentation (programs, promotional material, etc.), some meeting minutes, newspaper clippings, scrapbooks, as well as some objects.
These records are arranged by their accession numbers.
Sans titreThis accession provides information on activities, mainly sports, including rugby, tennis, and field day activities, that occurred at Loyola College in the 1910s.
The accession consists of a scrapbook, newspaper clippings related to Loyola (in particular sports like rugby, hockey, swimming, and lacrosse), event programs for the annual field day and the 1914 commencement, dance cards, an examination report, and photographs.
Sans titreThe description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.
Sans titrePhotograph autographed by Sally Rand to Joe Bell.
The series is composed of correspondence, articles, and photocopies of various documents (mainly 1887-1904) mainly related to the 16 pioneering female journalists. The Alice Asselin file contains a few original documents (textual and photos). The series also includes documentation specifically on the Canadian Women’s Press Club and various publications.
SGW Alumni and one time producer of the musical revue "The Georgiantics, Gerry Mahoney, and Air force sergeant John Badger.
Jack Hirshberg, S BA'38, author and Hollywood columnist.
Fred Kerner, editor of The Georgian 1940-1942 and member of the musical revue, The Georgiantics.
La collection Velma Weeks Barker contient des documents relatifs à la vie de Velma Weeks Barker et a ses contributions au domaine de l’éducation à la petite enfance.
Cette collection comprend des photographies et des documents textuels. Les photographies personnelles montrent Velma Weeks Barker et sa famille dans des lieux variés, comme la Petite Bourgogne et Union United Church, d’autre lieux communautaires, ainsi que des espaces privés. Parmi les documents textuels se trouvent des coupures de journaux faisant référence aux activités qui ont eu lieu au Negro Community Centre et à la Negro Theater Guild, en plus des articles sur Velma Weeks Barker. La collection contient également des documents relatifs à son mari, Darnley Cecil Barker, y compris des informations sur sa participation à l'armée canadienne et son immigration de la Barbade au Canada.
La collection Velma Weeks Barker comprend :
• 35 photographies
• 1 certificat de diplôme honorifique (Université Concordia)
• 1 certificat de mariage (Union United Church)
• 6 coupures de presse
• 1 lettre
• 1 certificat de libération de l'armée (a appartenu à l'époux)
• 3 livrets de solde de soldats (ayant appartenu à l'époux)
• 1 certificat de citoyenneté canadienne (a appartenu à l'époux)
• 1 certificat de qualification professionnelle (a appartenu à l'époux)
• 1 certificat de décharge de l'armée canadienne (a appartenu à l'époux)
John W. Beaton, General Secretary of the Montreal YMCA.
William R. Fraser, founder of the Department of Philosophy at Sir George Williams University.
William Fraser (far right) and two unidentified people.
William Fraser, Mrs V. R. Jones, Librarian at the Weldon Memorial Library in Glasgow, and two unidentified people.
Photographs taken by Louis "Luigi" Zardo.
Sans titre