Affichage de 19 résultats

Description archivistique
8 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
Thomas McLaren fonds
P0036 · Fonds · 1913-1947, predominant 1913-1914

The fonds provides information on the construction of Loyola College.

The fonds includes specifications, contracts, and correspondence.

Sans titre
I0176 · Fonds · 1857-1975, predominant 1962-1974

The fonds mainly documents the financial management of Loyola College from the 1920s to 1974. There are also files on properties and physical resources management. The fonds is mainly composed of the records of Mr. Ferrari’s office, as Comptroller (1961-1968) and as Vice-President, Administration (1968-1974), and the records of the Loyola Bursar and Procurator (Treasurer).

The fonds mainly contains general ledgers (1950-1974), financial statements (1916-1974), and various administrative records relating to budget, investment, insurance and payroll. There are also files relating to college properties, such as accounting records for the construction of the Administration building in the 1920s and file copies of annual reports (1898-1929) to Quebec government which give detailed statistical information for the first years of Loyola.

Sans titre
Office of the President fonds
I0147 · Fonds · 1845, 1899-1976

The fonds consists of records generated by the Rector/President of Loyola College and other Loyola College administrative officers and organizations between 1899 and 1976.

The fonds includes correspondence; minutes; membership lists; news releases, clippings; leases; curricula vitae; organization charts; financial reports, annual reports; internal publications, pamphlets, booklets, bulletins; event schedules, conference programs, posters; business cards, invitations, membership cards; staff contracts; constitutive documents, legislative bills, act of incorporation, by-laws, policy and procedure statements, petitions for university status, terms of reference, briefs; advertising sheets, press releases; construction permits, specifications, tenders, architectural drawings; photographs; sound recordings.

The fonds is divided into the following series:

I0147/01 Alumni association
I0147/02 Assistant to the President
I0147/03 Associations and organizations
I0147/04 Budget
I0147/05 Buildings
I0147/06 Campaigns
I0147/07 Canadian Officers Training Corps
I0147/08 Charter
I0147/09 Commissions
I0147/10 Committees
I0147/11 Concordia University and merger
I0147/12 Conferences, seminars and special activities
I0147/13 Convocation
I0147/14 Correspondence
I0147/15 Departmental affairs
I0147/16 Internal relations
I0147/17 External relations
I0147/18 Publications
I0147/19 Publicity and public relations
I0147/20 Religious affairs
I0147/21 Scholarships
I0147/22 Staff
I0147/23 Students

Sans titre
Loyola College Dramatic Society fonds
P0149 · Fonds · 1927-1958, predominant 1940-1958

The fonds provides information on the artistic activities of the Loyola College Dramatic Society.
The fonds consists mainly of play programs, press clippings, and photographs.

Sans titre
Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds
P0073 · Fonds · 1964-1979

The fonds provides information the activities of the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It is mostly comprised of correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports, promotional material, newsletters, and some press clippings.

Sans titre
Loyola Alumni Association fonds
P0116 · Fonds · 1898-1995

The fonds provides information on alumni activities. There are also records related to the Loyola Hall of Fame and the Loyola Medal.

The fonds consists of by-laws, correspondence, accounting records, lists of nominations, honours presentations documentation, reference documentation on various social activities organised for the alumni members, minutes, fund raising literature, and membership lists, as well as photographs and audiovisual records of activities, publications and memorabilia. There are also four reels of microfilmed press clippings.

Sans titre
I0002.1 · Fonds · 1956 - 1975

The fonds documents the Public Relations and Information Office’s efforts to establish effective communication services for Loyola College in the 1960s until the merger with Sir George Williams University in 1974. It mainly consists of documentation on academic, social and cultural events (e.g. convocations, conferences, theatre presentations) and on various administrative and academic matters (e.g. quest for a University charter, capital campaign, curriculum). The records of the Event Coordination Centre (series I002.1/19) provide information on the use of the college facilities for the organization of events, such as those held at the F.C. Smith Auditorium.

The fonds mainly includes correspondence, reports, information bulletins and press releases, promotional materials, addresses and speeches, and general administrative records. It also includes a large amount of photographs made by external agencies or by the Loyola College part time photographer, Paul Hrasko.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

I002.1/1. Budget
I002.1/2. Buildings & Properties
I002.1/3. Committees
I002.1/4. Conferences, Seminars & Special activities
I002.1/4.1. Conferences & Symposiums
I002.1/4.2. Special Activities
I002.1/4.3. Theatre
I002.1/4.4. Visiting Lecturers
I002.1/5. Curriculum & Programs
I002.1/6. Financing
I002.1/7. Legal Affairs & Contracts
I002.1/8. Publications
I002.1/9. Publicity & Public Relations
I002.1/10. Relations/Services - External
I002.1/11. Relations/Services - Internal
I002.1/12. Scholarships, Awards & Prizes
I002.1/13. Sports Activities
I002.1/14. Staff: General
I002.1/15. Staff: Teaching
I002.1/16. Statistics
I002.1/17. Student Life
I002.1/18. University, Organization, Policy & Planning
I002.1/19. Event Coordination Centre
I002.1/20. Photographs

Sans titre
Loyola Faculty Association fonds
P0153 · Fonds · 1969 - 1975

The fonds provides information on the functioning of the Loyola Faculty Association.

The fonds contains minutes, memos, and reports.

Sans titre
Loyola Class
P0013-02-19 · Pièce · ca. 1915
Fait partie de Jesuit Archives collection

Mr. Joseph A. Keating, S. J. and class, outside of Loyola College Drummond Street, Montreal. Second row, seventh from left: Father J. J. McGarry S. J.

Loyola Class
P0013-02-20 · Pièce · ca. 1914
Fait partie de Jesuit Archives collection

Mr. Joseph A. Keating S. J. and class, exterior of 68 Drummond street, Montreal. Second row, fourth from left: James McGarry (later Father James McGarry, S. J.

Department of Athletics
I0034.01 · Sous-fonds · 1901-1975

The fonds documents the activities including the intra-mural and varsity programs of the Loyola College Department of Athletics from 1901 until 1975.

It contains team contracts, rosters, programs, schedules, reports, press clippings, films of games, objects, photographs, etc. It also contains files related to the introduction of the program in Bio-Physical Education which was initiated by the Department of Athletics and its director, Ed Enos.

The fonds is organized in the following series:

I034.1/1131 Curriculum Development Files - Faculties and Academic Departments
I034.1/1310 Academic Session Organization
I034.1/1330 Teaching Activities
I034.1/4210 University Policies and Procedures
I034.1/4310 Internal Audit
I034.1/5110 Planning
I034.1/5111 Committees and Meetings
I034.1/5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses
I034.1/5160 University Events
I034.1/5170 External Relations
I034.1/5172 Public Relations Activities
I034.1/5250 Group Insurance
I034.1/5260 Civil Liability Insurances
I034.1/5262 Insurance Claims without Litigation
I034.1/5410 Internal News and Announcements
I034.1/5420 Media Relations
I034.1/5430 Media Coverage
I034.1/5460 Promotional Materials
I034.1/6110 Staff and Position Management
I034.1/6111 Job Profiles
I034.1/6131 Job Posting and Hiring Criteria
I034.1/6210 Administrative and Support Staff ‐ Permanent Employee Files
I034.1/8110 Space Management
I034.1/8120 Property Files
I034.1/9211 Historical Evolution
I034.1/9510 Recreation Programs Management
I034.1/9520 Varsity Sport Management
I034.1/9530 Varsity Sport Teams and Clubs
I034.1/9540 Championships and Tournaments
I034.1/9550 Sport and Athletics Recognition Events
I034.1/9560 Athletics Awards and Bursaries

Sans titre
I0104 · Fonds · 1965 - 2017

The fonds provides information on the activities and management of the department.

The fonds includes minutes of departmental meetings, budget and administrative files, brochures, and posters.

Sans titre