A video on the Rosie Douglas's visit to Concordia University in 2000. Roosevelt (Rosie) Douglass, Prime Minister of Dominica, had been a leader in the Computer Centre incident at Sir George Williams University in 1969.
A video on the Rosie Douglas' visit to Concordia University in 2000. Roosevelt (Rosie) Douglas, Prime Minister of Dominica, had been a leader in the Computer Centre incident at Sir George Williams in 1969.
The series provides information on the many events organized by the Concordia Student Union (CSU) such as Orientations, the Orientation and Priorities Conferences (OPC) and Winter Carnivals. It also includes records related to the parent organizations managed by CSU such as CUSASET, CUSACORP, CUSAPrint, the Loyola Campus Centre or the Reggies' Pub. The series notably includes video recordings of a conference held by a leader of the Computer Centre incident, Rosie Douglas in 2000.
Are also comprised in the series records pertaining to the activities of CSU's parent student associations, societies and clubs, most notably the Arts Students' Association (ASA), the Computer Users' Group (CUG) or the Concordia University Part-Time Students' Association (CUPTSA).
Concordia University. Concordia Student UnionThe series provides information on the governance of the Concordia Student Union (CSU). It includes records related to its governing bodies (Board of Directors, Executive Committee), their elections as well as CSU's constitution documents, by-laws and some of its policies.
Concordia University. Concordia Student UnionThe series includes records related to the administration of the Concordia Student Union (CSU) such as minutes of committees in which student representatives are participating, most notably faculty councils, advisory search committees, Concordia Council on Student Life (CCSL), correspondence with external bodies such as federations of student unions at the federal or provincial level or service suppliers.
Concordia University. Concordia Student UnionThe series provides information on the communication operations of the Concordia Student Union (CSU). It includes some newsletters (notably Execute, Prospectus, Solecism and Truth or Consequences), press clippings and some communiqués.
Concordia University. Concordia Student UnionThe series provides information on the financial activities of the Concordia Student Union (CSU) and its parent student associations, societies and clubs. It includes budget and expenses files, financial statements and some minutes of meetings (Finance Committee).
Concordia University. Concordia Student UnionThe fonds provides information on the administration and activities of the Concordia Student Union (CSU) and its founding student associations from Sir George Williams University (for student associations related to Loyola College, see P0073 Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds). The fonds also provide some information on the constitution and activities of the CSU-affiliated student associations, groups and clubs.
The fonds mostly consists of minutes of meetings, financial records (budgets, financial statements), reports, statistics, correspondence, promotional material, publications and some press clippings.
Concordia University. Concordia Student Union