Interview with Évariste Dubé, conducted by Marcel Fournier. This is a copy given by Évariste Dubé to Merrily Weisbord.
This part: 51 min., 44 sec.
Interview with Évariste Dubé, conducted by Marcel Fournier. This is a copy given by Évariste Dubé to Merrily Weisbord.
This part: 55 min., 3 sec.
A short excerpt probably from one of the two interviews with Henri Gagnon (1978 or 1980). This seems to be a working tape; there are other various unidentified recordings on the same compact cassette.
Sans titreProbably excerpts from the interviews with Lea Roback in 1977.
This part: 15 min., 25 sec.
Probably excerpts from the interviews with Lea Roback in 1977.
This part: 11 min., 47 sec.
Probably excerpt of interviews with Lea Roback (see P0240-11-004.3?) and Gerard Fortin (P0240-11-014.1?) and Ted Allan songs.
Sans titreStan Wingfield's reminiscence on the Canadian Seaman's Union (CSU) 1945-1949.
Sans titreThis recording is identical to P240-11-0024.
Sans titreThe recorded endorsement to the electors sent by Paul Robeson when Fred Rose ran for re-election in Montreal-Cartier in 1945. This is a copy of the recording given to Merrily Weisbord by Fred Rose when she visited him in Poland (See in The Strangest Dream, p. 137).
Sans titreW. Kashtan's book and 10 pieces of advice to Quebecers. Recorded in July 1983.
1935-1947 History Souvenir. Interview with Emery Samuel, recorded on October 1, 1982.
This part: 25 min., 36 sec.
1935-1947 History Souvenir. Interview with Emery Samuel, recorded on October 1, 1982.
This part: 30 min., 32 sec.
1935-1947 History Souvenir. Interview with Emery Samuel, recorded on October 1, 1982.
This part: 30 min., 21 sec.
1935-1947 History Souvenir. Interview with Emery Samuel, recorded on October 1, 1982.
This part: 30 min., 42 sec.
Interview with Donald Brittain, conducted by Merrily Weisbord, on 18 and 25 October 1981, for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). The second tape was made on October 25, 1981.
This part: 1 hr., 2 min., 51 sec.
Interview with Donald Brittain, conducted by Merrily Weisbord, on 18 and 25 October 1981, for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). The second tape was made on October 25, 1981.
This part: 56 min., 1 sec.
Interview with Henri Gagnon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on September 30, 1980.
This part: 38 min., 19 sec.
Interview with Henri Gagnon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on September 30, 1980.
This part: 1 hr., 1 min. 20 sec.
Interview with Henri Gagnon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on January 30, 1978.
Sans titreInterview with Beryl Zachon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on January 28, 1978.
This part: 21 min., 51 sec.
Interview with Beryl Zachon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on January 28, 1978.
This part: 15 min., 59 sec.
Interview with Beryl Zachon, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on January 28, 1978.
This part: 16 min., 3 sec.
This transfer contains digitized, born-digital, and paper based administrative records from Concordia International. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:
1160 Academic Program Appraisals (1995)
5160 University Events (1992-1996)
5170 External Relations (1988-1993)
5172 Public Relations (1988)
9213 Historical Evolution
La collection documente la vie et le travail d'Alfie Roberts et de Patricia Cambridge. Elle comprend de la documentation sur leurs études postsecondaires, leur expérience professionnelle dans différentes entreprises et organisations, leur contribution à la communauté noire et leur affiliation à divers organismes communautaires tels que la St. Vincent and Grenadines Association of Montreal, le Emancipation 150 Committee, le Black Community Council of Quebec et le Project Genesis. La collection fournit des informations sur plusieurs organisations de la communauté noire à Montréal, dans le reste du Canada et en Amérique du Nord, y compris du matériel promotionnel d'événements qui donne un aperçu des activités culturelles organisées entre les années 60 et 90. De plus, la collection contient de nombreuses publications telles que des périodiques, des brochures et des livres qui faisaient partie de la bibliothèque personnelle d'Alfie et Patricia et de l'Alfie Roberts Institute. Certains des périodiques trouvés dans la collection comprennent des numéros de The Vincentian, Afro-Can, Gramma, Uhuru, Caribbean Contact, The Afro Canadian, The Militant, The Struggle, Outlet, Focus Umoja, Justice, Freedom, The Crusader, Nam Speaks, Speak Out, Day Clean, Forum et New Beginning, entre autres publications. La collection couvre des sujets liés, mais non limités à l'histoire des Noirs, l'impérialisme, l'esclavage, le racisme, la libération, le colonialisme, le marxisme, le communisme, le socialisme, le logement et la ségrégation, l'urbanisme, le travail et l'histoire de l'Afrique, des Caraïbes et de l'Amérique latine.
La collection Alfie Roberts and Patricia Cambridge est organisée selon les séries suivantes:
• C025/A Documents personnels
• C025/B Relations communautaires
• C025/C Bibliothèque et documentation de recherche
• C025/D Biographies
La collection contient de la correspondance, des notes, manuscrites, des essais écrits par Alfie Roberts et Patricia Cambridge, des documents de recherche, des livres, des périodiques, des coupures de presse, des brochures, des transcriptions de discours, des dépliants, des dessins, des documents de conférence, des affiches, des enregistrements sonores, des images en mouvement, des bulletins, des procès-verbaux de réunions, des ordres du jour, des photographies, des cartes et des objets.
Sans titreInterview with Irving Myers, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on October 16, 1977.
This part: 6 min., 44 sec.
Interview with Irving Myers, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on October 16, 1977.
This part: 16 min., 10 sec.
Interview with Irving Myers, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on October 16, 1977.
This part: 16 min., 6 sec.
Interview with Bella Breton, conducted by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994).
Sans titreInterview with Bob Haddow, conducted in Scarborough by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on December 6, 1977.
This part: 16 min., 14 sec.
Interview with Bob Haddow, conducted in Scarborough by Merrily Weisbord for her research on Canadian communists (The Strangest Dream, Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1994). Recorded on December 6, 1977.
This part: 17 min., 13 sec.