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Archival description
Walton Hannah fonds
P015 · Fonds · [189-]-1966, predominant [1930]-1966

The fonds provides information on the history, structure, aims, and activities of Freemasonry and other secret organizations, with a particular focus on anglophone and francophone Freemasonry in Quebec.

The fonds includes correspondence, articles, transcripts of lectures, programs for ceremonies, minutes, membership lists, photographs, and other materials. Among the correspondence are original letters and manuscript notes dated 1913-1931 in which francophone Catholics report to the church hierarchy the names of suspected Freemasons. There are an original letter and a certificate of resignation from Freemasonry. The fonds includes a collection of objects. Their significance is explained in various works in the Masonic Collection; see below, Associated Materials.

The fonds is organized according to the following series:
P015/A Early life; Hannah family
P015/B Research on Freemasonry and other secret societies

Hannah, Walton
Graeme Clyke fonds
F027 · Fonds · [19--] ; 1951-2014, predominantly [197-]-[198-]

The Graeme Clyke fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Graeme Baxter Clyke related to the Negro Community Centre (NCC), Union United Church, Royal Arthur School, Little Burgundy, and Saint-Henri. Photographs showcase programs and activities offered at NCC, including dance and music lessons, arts and crafts, wood working, sports, summer camps, and games. They also depict NCC staff, including but not limited to Stanley Clyke, Emily Clyke, Lawrence Sitahal, Daisy Peterson Sweeney, Martha Griffiths, and Mrs. Palmas. Photographs also show the interior and exterior of the NCC, Union United Church, Royal Arthur School, and the Universal Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.). They also depict many other buildings around Little Burgundy and Saint-Henri. Students and teachers at the NCC and Royal Arthur School appear throughout the photographs, as do members of the Union United Church. Textual records in the fonds consist of those documenting the administration of the NCC, including its programs, activities, and services, and the memorial service of Roy States.

The Graeme Clyke fonds is divided into 4 series:
• F027/A Negro Community Centre
• F027/B Union United Church
• F027/C Royal Arthur School
• F027/D Little Burgundy and Saint-Henri

Clyke, Graeme
Quebec YMCA fonds
P0202 · Fonds · 1858 - 2001

The fonds documents the mission, structure, administration, programs, activities, facilities, and evolution of the Quebec YMCA (as of 2009, Le Y du Québec) from its founding in 1854 to the late 20th century.

The records include founding documents, annual reports, committee minutes, financial statements and other financial records, employee files, files on buildings and facilities, and administrative files and correspondence relating to programs such as summer camps and courses.

The fonds also includes architectural drawings, scrapbooks of press clippings, brochures, and other promotional materials, photographs of Quebec YMCA events and activities from the late 19th century until the late 20th century, and objects such as flags, signs, plaques, pins and medals.

The fonds is organized in the following series:

P0202/1 Founding Documents, Constitution, By-Laws, Histories
P0202/2 Reports and Minutes
P0202/3 Financial Administration
P0202/4 Human Resources Administration
P0202/5 Branches, Buildings, Facilities
P0202/6 Programs
P0202/7 External Relations
P0202/8 Photographs

Quebec YMCA
Yves Charbonneau fonds
F033 · Fonds · [194-?], [196-]-2007, predominantly 1970-[198-]

The fonds documents Yves Charbonneau's musical career until 1975 on the one hand, and his photographic exploitations during the 1980s on the other hand. It gives an insight into the organization of the Quatuor du Jazz libre du Québec (1967-1975), the Val-David Artistic Colony (1970), the Ferme du Petit Québec libre (1970-1973) and l'Amorce (1972-1974), while highlighting the political dimension of these jazz-related initiatives.
The fonds is divided into the following series :
F033/A – Jazz libre du Québec
F033/B – Political newspapers
F033/C - Visual arts studies
The fonds contains legal documents, press clippings, leaflets, and notes concerning the activities of free music in Petit Québec libre and in l’Amorce. The fonds also contains political newspapers collected by Yves Charbonneau during the 1970s, as well as photographs related to Charbonneau’s visual arts studies, including portraits, landscape photography, and still-lifes.

Charbonneau, Yves
Robert N. Wilkins fonds
P0276 · Fonds · 1967 - 1970, [ca. 2009]

The fonds consists of one sound recording and 43 photographs (slides, prints, and digital) related to various events which occurred at Sir George Williams University in 1967, 1969, and 1970.

Wilkins, Robert N.
Robert Pallen fonds
P0115 · Fonds · 1969-1977

The fonds provides information on environmental studies and Loyola Science Faculty Council administration and activities.
The fonds includes documents accumulated by Robert Pallen as secretary of the Loyola Science Faculty Council, course files and course readings for environmental studies courses given in the 1970s, recordings of lectures by visitors to the environmental studies courses, and brochures on studies in science and human affairs.

Pallen, Robert
P0129 · Fonds · 1987-2000

The fonds provides information on the activities and administration of CUPA and its involvement in various cases.

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, reports and documentation on social events, general ledgers, membership surveys and listings, the association's constitution and by-laws, and copies of the newsletter.

Concordia University. Pensioners' Association
Monty Montabone fonds
P0209 · Fonds

The description of this fonds is not yet available. Please contact Concordia University Records Management and Archives for more information:

Russell Breen fonds
P0210 · Fonds · 1970 - 1993

The fonds consists of Russell Breen’s personal records (mainly correspondence with individuals and organizations) between 1970 and 1991 and some administrative documents related to Saint-Patrick Basilica. The fonds also includes texts of speeches, homilies, and sermons delivered by Russell Breen, between 1973 and 1993.

Breen, Russell
Financial Services fonds
I0132 · Fonds · 1974 - 2004

The fonds documents the financial management of Concordia University.

The fonds includes financial statements, general ledgers (on microfiches for some years) and account charts, control budget reports, some committee minutes (e.g. Budget and Audit committees) and general administrative records. There are also file copies of financial reports sent to the Quebec government such as the Rapport financier annuel, the Rapport périodique de dépenses d’investissement.

Concordia University. Financial Services
I0147 · Fonds · 1845, 1899-1976

The fonds consists of records generated by the Rector/President of Loyola College and other Loyola College administrative officers and organizations between 1899 and 1976.

The fonds includes correspondence; minutes; membership lists; news releases, clippings; leases; curricula vitae; organization charts; financial reports, annual reports; internal publications, pamphlets, booklets, bulletins; event schedules, conference programs, posters; business cards, invitations, membership cards; staff contracts; constitutive documents, legislative bills, act of incorporation, by-laws, policy and procedure statements, petitions for university status, terms of reference, briefs; advertising sheets, press releases; construction permits, specifications, tenders, architectural drawings; photographs; sound recordings.

The fonds is divided into the following series:

I0147/01 Alumni association
I0147/02 Assistant to the President
I0147/03 Associations and organizations
I0147/04 Budget
I0147/05 Buildings
I0147/06 Campaigns
I0147/07 Canadian Officers Training Corps
I0147/08 Charter
I0147/09 Commissions
I0147/10 Committees
I0147/11 Concordia University and merger
I0147/12 Conferences, seminars and special activities
I0147/13 Convocation
I0147/14 Correspondence
I0147/15 Departmental affairs
I0147/16 Internal relations
I0147/17 External relations
I0147/18 Publications
I0147/19 Publicity and public relations
I0147/20 Religious affairs
I0147/21 Scholarships
I0147/22 Staff
I0147/23 Students

Loyola College. Office of the President
I0198 · Fonds · 1965 - 1974

The fonds documents the financial management of Sir George Williams University during its last decade, before its merger with Loyola College to form Concordia University.

The fonds is mainly composed of financial reports and statements, and general ledgers.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

I0198/4120 Governing Bodies Committees
I0198/7200 Budget
Financial Statements and Reports
Accounting Registers

Sir George Williams University. Office of the Treasurer
Harold Shaffer fonds
P0005 · Fonds · 1950 - 1979

The fonds provides information on the retail environment in Canada from the 1950s through the 1970s, on Harold Shaffer's activities as a teacher, retail consultant, and writer, and on the Shaffer family.

The fonds contains correspondence, texts for speeches and lectures, articles, research material, and family papers. It includes acetates used in classroom teaching, and photographs.

The fonds is organized in the following series:

P0005/1 Publications and related case files, 1956-1978
P0005/2 Research project and related files, no date
P0005/3 Teaching materials, 1960s
P0005/4 General correspondence, 1950-1977
P0005/5 Addresses / speeches, 1957-1977
P0005/6 Business seminar materials, 1962-1969
P0005/7 Family papers

Shaffer, Harold
P0014 · Fonds · 1978-1985

The fonds provides information on the QAAL's political and other activities in defence of the rights of adult students.

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, conference documentation, financial records, and reports.

Quebec Association for Adult Learning
Joe Bell fonds
P010 · Fonds · 1934-1950, predominantly 1934-1945

The fonds provides information on jazz music and musicians in Montreal during the 1930s and 1940s.

The fonds consists of two scrapbooks Joe Bell kept during those years. It contains publicity photographs of orchestras and individual performers, clippings, menus, and cards from various night clubs and ballrooms. The fonds also includes 11 audio discs.

Bell, Joe
P0028 · Fonds · 1942-1979, predominant 1969-1975

The fonds provides information on the administration of the Sir George Williams Part-Time Students' Association of Concordia University, and its evolution from an administrative and financial perspective.

The fonds consists of minutes, correspondence, financial records, advertising, a constitution and by-laws, and a plaque from the SGW Unitarian Club.

Concordia University. Sir George Williams Part-Time Students’ Association of Concordia University
P0029 · Fonds · [197-]

The fonds consists of 11 photographs (glass slides) used in biology classes.

Honeyman, A. James Murray
Robert A. Fraser fonds
P0033 · Fonds · 1949 - 1973

The fonds provides information on Robert A. Fraser's activities on various committees and external bodies and on his classes.

The fonds consists of correspondence, student papers, course files, and examinations.

Fraser, Robert A.
Jack Litchfield fonds
P0035 · Fonds · [198-]-1989

The Jack Litchfield Fonds consists of typewritten manuscripts for A Chronology of Five Montreal Record-Collectors' Clubs and A Chronology of Six Montreal Record-Collectors' Clubs (1989).

Litchfield, Jack
Thomas McLaren fonds
P0036 · Fonds · 1913-1947, predominant 1913-1914

The fonds provides information on the construction of Loyola College.

The fonds includes specifications, contracts, and correspondence.

McLaren, Thomas
H.A. Finney fonds
P0038 · Fonds · 1934, 1936

The fonds includes a copy of Finney's books. They witness to the teaching of introductory accounting in the 1930s.

Finney, H. A.
Wilfred N. Hall fonds
P0040 · Fonds · 1949-1986

The fonds primarily gives details on the language debate in Quebec in the 1970s and on income levels of francophone and anglophone Quebeckers relative to their level of education, among other issues. The fonds also includes files related to the chemical industry in Canada.

The fonds consists of minutes, reports, surveys, correspondence, speeches, and articles.

Hall, Wilfred N.
David McKeen fonds
P0042 · Fonds · 1905-1981

The fonds provides information on English country houses and heraldry, which were topics of research conducted by David McKeen while he was a member of the English Department.

The fonds consists of correspondence, notes, excerpts from publications, and clippings.

McKeen, David
Wynne Francis fonds
P0043 · Fonds · 1941-1997

The fonds documents Wynne Francis' teaching activities and her writings on Canadian literature.

The fonds includes correspondence, notes, articles, and manuscripts.

Francis, Wynne
Fred H. Knelman fonds
P0045 · Fonds · 1954-1983

The fonds provides information on science, technology, and society.

The fonds consists of correspondence, reports, and various texts from Fred Knelman's teaching career at Concordia University and from his activities as a speaker and writer.

Knelman, Fred H.
P0046 · Fonds · 1948-1960

The fonds provides information on academic activities and policies.

The fonds consists of proceedings of conferences and a guide to academic policies and practices.

MacGuigan S.J., J. Gerald
John W. O’Brien fonds
P0047 · Fonds · 1961-1978

The fonds provides information on economics and John W. O'Brien's career.

The fonds consists primarily of correspondence, an undated manuscript entitled A History of Banking in the United States and Canada.

O'Brien, John W.
Margaret Stredder fonds
P0052 · Fonds · [ca. 1928]-1983

The fonds provides information on Margaret Stredder's family history.

The fonds consists of photographs and brief biographies of Anson Walt Young, Frederick Owen Stredder, and Margaret Stredder.

Stredder, Margaret
Alfred Pinsky fonds
P0054 · Fonds · 1966-1967

The fonds provides information on art in Montreal.

The fonds consists of clippings.

Pinsky, Alfred
Herbert Furlong Quinn fonds
P0055 · Fonds · 1937-1963

The fonds provides information on the teaching activities of Herbert Quinn at Sir George Williams. It gives information on the Sir George Williams College effort, in the late 1930s and 1940s, to promote understanding between English and French Canadians. There is also information on the Georgiantics musical revue.

The fonds includes clippings, seminar outlines, and caricatures by Don S. Quinn.

Quinn, Herbert Furlong