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P0073 · Fonds · 1964-1979

The fonds provides information the activities of the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It is mostly comprised of correspondence, minutes of meetings, reports, promotional material, newsletters, and some press clippings.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association
P0073/C · Series · 1966-1979
Part of Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds

The series provides information on the administrative activities of the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It includes records (mostly correspondence) related to the relations of the LSA with the university administration as well as with other student associations or federations and with suppliers.

The series is also comprised of the minutes of some of the university committees on which student representatives held a seat, most notably search committees for senior administrators and the Student Life Committee. Some year-end reports of the members of the executive are also included in the series as well as analysis and reports following surveys made with the Loyola student population.

The series also includes a framed document from the National Interfraternity Conference designating Loyola College as a Summa Cum Laude Institution for the Academic year 1968-1969.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association
P0073/E · Series · 1967-1979
Part of Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds

The series includes records related to the management of the financial resources of the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It includes minutes of the Budget Committee as well as financial statements.

The budget and expenses records of the student clubs and associations affiliated to the LSA are also included in this series.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association
P0073/D · Series · 1972-1978
Part of Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds

The series provides information on the communications initiatives deployed by the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It includes copies of the LSA's newsletters (most notably Focus, Information!, External Notes), handbooks, as well as some media coverage (press clippings) and correspondence.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association
P0073/B · Series · 1964 - 1979
Part of Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds

The series is comprised of records related to the governing bodies of the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It includes minutes of meetings of the LSA's Board of Directors as well as its Executive Committee: notices of meetings, agendas and some correspondence. Documents pertaining to the General Assemblies of the LSA can also be found in the series.

It also includes records related to the constitution of the LSA, including its by-laws and records on the elections of the Executive.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association
Student Affairs and Events
P0073/A · Series · 1964 - 1979
Part of Loyola Students' Association (LSA) fonds

The series provides information on the activities of the student groups and associations affiliated to the Loyola Students' Association (LSA). It includes most notably constitution documents as well as some correspondence. The series also contains records related to the establishment and the management of the Loyola Campus Centre: minutes of its Board of Directors as well as correspondence and some reports.

Records related to the administration of the Loyola Evening Students' Association (LESA) are also comprised in the series: annual reports, by-laws, minutes of meetings, newsletters (including The Night Lines) and some correspondence.

The series also includes records pertaining to the events organized by the LSA, most notably the Concordia Orientation Programme (COP) and the Winter Carnival: programs, promotional material, reports, correspondence and some records related to the logistics of these events.

Loyola College. Loyola Students' Association