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Archival description
Della L. Favreau fonds
P0093 · Fonds · 186?

The fonds consists of images of Thomas V. Hoyle and of Lacolle Manor.

Favreau, Della L.
Walter Kent Sloan fonds
P0086 · Fonds · 198?

The fonds consists of drawings for theatre sets.

Sloan, Walter Kent
Lewis Thomas Drummond fonds
P0081 · Fonds · 1848

The fonds consists of an original parchment appointing Drummond as Queen's Counsel in 1848.

Drummond, Lewis Thomas
John Joseph Curran fonds
P108 · Fonds · 1882

The fonds consists of a gold watch inscribed J.J. Curran Q.C.L.L.D. on his 40th birthday by the Irishmen of Montreal, February 22, 1882.

Curran, John Joseph
O'Farrell Family fonds
F026 · Fonds · [1877-1899]

The O'Farrell Family fonds documents the professional and private life of the O'Farrell Family between 1877 and 1899. The fonds includes 2 ledgers outlining purchases made at the general store owned by the O'Farrell Family in Saint-Malachie, Quebec (1890-1896); 4 diaries written by Mary Bridget O'Farrell concerning the private life of the family (1898-1899); and 1 ledger (tax roll) (1877-1883) documenting taxation in the town of Saint-Malachie. Notes, correspondence, and additional pages can be found throughout the ledgers.

The O’Farrell Family fonds is divided into 2 series:
• F026/A Business records
• F026/B Personal records

O'Farrell Family
P109 · Fonds · 1868-1903

The fonds provides information on the activities of the St. Patrick's Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society.

The fonds contains proceedings of the St. Patrick's Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society.

St. Patrick’s Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society
Kenneth E. Norris fonds
P0118 · Fonds · 1931

The fonds provides information on the studies Kenneth E. Norris did at McGill for his master's degree.

The fonds consists of a copy of his master's thesis: Characteristics and Abilities of Evening High School Students (1931).

Norris, Kenneth E.
Grant Family fonds
F010 · Fonds · 1796-1933

Fonds contains records relating to the Grant family’s everyday activities and occupations. The material includes bills, receipts, certificates, wills, policies, instructional documents, poetry, prescriptions, correspondence between friends and family in Ontario, Montreal, Scotland, and the United States, sermons, religious material, and records relating to the Victoria Toll Bar on Victoria Road.

The fonds has been divided into six series:
F010/A. Attestations, wills, and certificates
F010/B. Correspondence
F010/C. Financial records
F010/D. Instructional records
F010/E. Objects
F010/F. Victoria Toll Bar

Grant family
H.A. Finney fonds
P0038 · Fonds · 1934, 1936

The fonds includes a copy of Finney's books. They witness to the teaching of introductory accounting in the 1930s.

Finney, H. A.
Kenneth D. Adams fonds
P0105 · Fonds · 1942-[195-]

The fonds contains photographs of Sir George Williams students involved in a 1944 artillery reserve training camp, musical activities at Sir George Williams, students participating in the Saskatchewan wheat harvest in 1942, and staff, sports, and student life.

Adams, Kenneth D.
Johnny Reno fonds
P0065 · Fonds · 1943

The Johnny Reno fonds consists of two photographs of Percy Ferguson's Victory Serenadors, including Oscar Peterson, at Canadian Pacific's Rosemont Hall in Montreal in 1943.

Reno, Johnny
Mary Mahon fonds
P189 · Fonds · 1915-1943

The materials in the fonds document the political and religious life of an Irish immigrant living in Montreal in the early 20th century.

The fonds includes correspondence, flags, and various memorabilia.

Mahon, Mary
Joseph Roizen fonds
P0244 · Fonds · 1938-1945

The fonds mainly provides visual information on some Sir George Williams College social and cultural activities at the beginning of the 1940s. For instance, there are images of the preview performance of the March 1942 Giorgantics (the SGW Annual musical review), held in Brownsburg (now Brownsburg-Chatham) in the Laurentians area. There are also photos of friends, a few in Ste. Agathe, and photos in Saint-Hubert and Dorval airports. The photos subjects include SGW Georgiantics, SGW Winter carnival, SGW sports; SGW students and Staff, as well as aircrafts and radio equipment.

Roizen, Joseph
Myron Sutton fonds
P019 · Fonds · 1908-1945

The fonds provides an overview of Myron Sutton's musical career in the United States and Canada, particularly Montreal. It documents the careers of the various bands with which Myron Sutton was affiliated, and those he led, including the Royal Ambassadors and the Canadian Ambassadors. It also provides general information on the jazz music scene and Montreal night life during the 1930s.

The fonds consists of sound recordings and a scrapbook containing correspondence, contracts, programs, press clippings, and photographs.

Sutton, Myron
Thomas McLaren fonds
P0036 · Fonds · 1913-1947, predominant 1913-1914

The fonds provides information on the construction of Loyola College.

The fonds includes specifications, contracts, and correspondence.

McLaren, Thomas
Tina Brereton fonds
P074 · Fonds · [194-]

The fonds consists of photographs which recall the period during the 1940s when Tina Brereton danced in shows to the accompaniment of jazz music at Café St-Michel in Montreal.

Brereton, Tina
John Loye fonds
P072 · Fonds · 1819-1949

The fonds provides information on the Irish community of Montreal in the 19th and early 20th century, and its view of Ireland and Irish culture. Some documents relate to the United Irish Societies (U.I.S.) of Montreal and the Saint Patrick’s Society of Montreal, as well as to Thomas d’Arcy McGee and John Loye, whereas others are standing in connection to James McAran, a Montreal merchant. The fonds also gives information on the Irish Question and reactions to it in Canada, through an album of newspaper clippings collected by James Albert Whittaker during 1920 to 1923, augmented by correspondence and small brochures from the same time period.

The fonds consists of four albums and several separate documents. The albums contain collections of greeting cards, Irish songs and poetry, family photographs, and newspaper clippings on the Irish Question. Furthermore, the fonds includes without limitations newspapers, sheet music, brochures, correspondence, a map of Ireland, drawings (including original artwork for the United Irish Societies of Montreal logo), and the text of an address on Irish-Canadian history given at the St. Patrick's Society Ball in 1872 by John O'Farrell, president of the Hibernian Benevolent Society of Quebec.

Loye, John
Huntly Bourne fonds
P0208 · Fonds · [194-?]

The fonds illustrates the Montreal jazz scene in the 1940s by means of images of the Johnny Holmes band.

The fonds consists of 6 b&w photographs, of which one is an original, the other five are copies.

Bourne, Huntly
Joe Bell fonds
P010 · Fonds · 1934-1950, predominantly 1934-1945

The fonds provides information on jazz music and musicians in Montreal during the 1930s and 1940s.

The fonds consists of two scrapbooks Joe Bell kept during those years. It contains publicity photographs of orchestras and individual performers, clippings, menus, and cards from various night clubs and ballrooms. The fonds also includes 11 audio discs.

Bell, Joe
P0039 · Fonds · [19--], 1937-1951

The fonds provides information from Thompson's writing projects on the history of Scouting, and on humanism, as well as his participation in World War I.

The fonds consists of memorabilia of Claude W. Thompson's and his brother's participation in World War I. It includes correspondence, press clippings, and a copy of a paper he wrote on Canadian author and historian William Wood (1864-1947). There is also a review of William Wood's book The Fight for Canada, and a copy of the book.

Thompson, Claude Willett
Rytsa Helene Tobias fonds
P0242 · Fonds · 1951

The fonds documents Rytsa Tobias’s Graduation at Sir George Williams College, in June 1951.
It is composed of her diploma, medal certificates, graduation picture and a photograph showing her receiving the Birks medal from Mr. Victor M. Birks.

Tobias, Rytsa Helene
David Stanger fonds
P0017 · Fonds · 1948 - 1951

The fonds provides information on David Stanger's activities as photographer for various Sir George Williams campus activities such as the carnival and ski meet. The fonds documents student life.

The fonds consists of pictures taken on various occasions.

Stanger, David
The Cathespian Guild fonds
P142 · Fonds · 1940-1954

The fonds provides information on the annual Catholic Drama Festival organized by the Guild between 1940 and 1953.

The fonds contains some handouts on the Cathespian Guild and a few programs and photographs of some of the annual Catholic Drama Festivals. It also contains the Drama Festival award book entitled Award for Distinguished Achievement in Catholic Theatre.

Cathespian Guild
Jacques Trépanier fonds
P246 · Fonds · 1947-1954

The fonds consists of materials documenting the journalistic career of Jacques Trépanier and primarily concern the Montreal arts scene.

The fonds is primarily composed of press clippings from "La Patrie," organized in two scrapbooks. These scrapbooks contain a variety of clippings, including several articles documenting Montreal nightclubs during the period between 1950 and 1954. These articles were published under the headline "La Ronde des cabarets." This fonds also contains some correspondence and 45 press photographs.

Trépanier, Jacques
Mark P. Brault fonds
P0058 · Fonds · 1947-1956

The fonds provides information on the Loyola College Dramatic Society.

The fonds consists of press clippings on plays given by the dramatic society and theatre programs for Society productions.

Brault, Mark P.
P0149 · Fonds · 1927-1958, predominant 1940-1958

The fonds provides information on the artistic activities of the Loyola College Dramatic Society.
The fonds consists mainly of play programs, press clippings, and photographs.

Loyola College. Dramatic Society
P0002 · Fonds · 1956 - 1958

The fonds provides information on the activities of the committee.

The fonds contains correspondence and other records on help given to Hungarian refugee students and statistics on the attendance of Hungarian refugee students at Canadian universities and colleges.

NCCU Hungarian Refugee Student Committee
Nick Morara fonds
P192 · Fonds · [193-?]-[195-]

The fonds relates to Montreal Nightlife and Nick Morara’s career as a chef in Montreal clubs. It illustrates the Montreal clubs and nightlife from the point of view of a non-musician working in the club scene. It also includes information on the Old Lantern Inn.

The fonds includes photographs, newspaper clippings, a club menu, a business card and a fee receipt card.

Morara, Nick
P0046 · Fonds · 1948-1960

The fonds provides information on academic activities and policies.

The fonds consists of proceedings of conferences and a guide to academic policies and practices.

MacGuigan S.J., J. Gerald
Florence Yaffe fonds
P0120 · Fonds · 1958-1961

The fonds provides information on activities organised by the Sir George Williams Liberal Club and its guest speakers, such Lester B. Pearson, Leader of the Opposition, in 1958; Mr. Pearson would be prime minister of Canada from 1963 to 1968 and receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 1957.

The fonds consists of correspondence, clippings, photocopies of photographs on student life and the Liberal Club, a Sir George Williams College silk scarf, and a frosh button.

Yaffe, Florence