The fonds consists of images of Thomas V. Hoyle and of Lacolle Manor.
Sans titrePhotograph autographed by Sally Rand to Joe Bell.
SGW Alumni and one time producer of the musical revue "The Georgiantics, Gerry Mahoney, and Air force sergeant John Badger.
Jack Hirshberg, S BA'38, author and Hollywood columnist.
Fred Kerner, editor of The Georgian 1940-1942 and member of the musical revue, The Georgiantics.
John W. Beaton, General Secretary of the Montreal YMCA.
William R. Fraser, founder of the Department of Philosophy at Sir George Williams University.
William Fraser (far right) and two unidentified people.
William Fraser, Mrs V. R. Jones, Librarian at the Weldon Memorial Library in Glasgow, and two unidentified people.
Photographs taken by Louis "Luigi" Zardo.
Sans titreSitting, (far left): Henry F. Hall, Gordon C. Donaldson (President, Association of Alumni, SGW College), Mrs Hall (centre), B. W. Roberts (far right)
Chairman of the Board of the Shawinigan Engineering Co. Ltd. and a Director The Shawinigan Water and Power Company.
Principal Kenneth E. Norris congratulating a student.
Resident Staff Office, SGWU-Loyola COTC.
Claude W. Thompson, first chair of the English Department.