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12037 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques
P182/B2 · Sous-série · [1899], [191-], 1922, 1940, [1967], [1975] -2024
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

The sub-series provides information on non fiction books written by Mark Abley from 1986 to 2023, starting with Abley’s first book, Beyond Forget : Rediscovering the Prairies, which was published in 1986. There followed Spoken Here : Travels Among Threatened Languages (2003), which had been translated into several languages, The Prodigal Tongue (2008), and Conversations with a Dead Man: The Legacy of Duncan Campbell Scott (2013). In 2019, Abley’s memoir of his father, The Organist : Fugues, Fatherhood, and a Fragile Mind, was published. In his latest book, Strange Bewildering Time : Istanbul to Kathmandu in the Last Year of the Hippie Trail (2023), Abley is looking back on his travel through Asia in 1978. The sub-series also includes reviews, translations, material related to essays published in anthologies, and proposals of unpublished books.

The sub-series includes travel journals, a biography, a grant application, a CV, book excerpts, business cards, agreements, mock-up covers, comments, a directory, drafts, essays, an invitation, publicity material, newspaper articles, notes, correspondence, publications, a newsletter, permissions, reference documentation, poems, a poster, proposals, research material, reviews, sales reports, conference reports, a score, scripts, a film proposal, a speech, and a work plan.

RMA-2024-54 · Accession · 2023 - 2024
Fait partie de Centre for Engineering in Society fonds

This transfer contains born-digital administrative records from the Centre for Engineering in Society. This transfer contains information related to the Engineering Writing Test (EWT). The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

1331 Examination and Test - Questionnaires (2023-2024)

I0167 · Fonds · 1984 - 2024

The fonds documents the administrative and curricular activities of the Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS).

The fonds consists mainly of Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors in Canada, panels of the David J. Azrieli Holocaust Collection used in the Concordia University Libraries Exhibition, correspondence with scholars specialized in genocide, other documents related to the Will to Intervene Project (W2I) and published papers.

Sans titre
Freelance writer
P182/B · Série · [1899], [191-], 1922, 1940, [1967], 1972-2024
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

The series provides information on Abley’s freelance work as a poet, writer, and editor from 1972 to 2024.
Abley first started poetry writing as a student in Oxford, and continued throughout his career. His poems have been published in various magazines and anthologies, but also as poetry collections.
Abley’s first non fiction book, Beyond Forget : Rediscovering the Prairies was published in 1986. Since the start of the 21st century, non-fiction books by Abley have been published regularly. At the same time, Abley also began with the writing of children’s books, as there are Ghost Cat and Camp Fossil Eyes.
As editor, Abley published several books, among others Stories From the Ice Storm (1999). He also is the literary executor of poet Anne Szumigalski
The series includes published and unpublished works by Mark Abley.

The series is organized into the following subseries:

P182/B1 Poetry and essays
P182/B2 Non-fiction
P182/B3 Young Audiences
P182/B4 Editorial Work

The series contains, but is not limited to, publications, grant applications, a CV, book excerpts, business cards, agreements, mock-up covers, a directory, an invitation, publicity material, newspaper articles, a newsletter, permissions, reports, a score, scripts, a speech, biographies, drafts, essays, contracts, a chapbook, a list, a catalog, tearsheets, poems, research material, reviews, an awards program, comments, correspondence, notes, an outline, proof prints, proposals, and travel journals.

Concordia University Press fonds
I0231 · Fonds · 2020 - 2024

This fonds includes preservation copies of the books produced by the Concordia University Press and promotional material produced for events.

The following RCRP category is contained within this fonds :

5430 Media Coverage (2021-2024)
5450 University Publications (2020-2024)
5461 Promotional Material (2019-2024)

Sans titre
Office of the Registrar fonds
I0018 · Fonds · 1933-2024

The fonds provides information on the varied activities of the Office of registrar: student recruitment and enrolment, coordination of examinations, creation of publications such as the university calendars and viewbooks and organization of convocation ceremonies and other student-related events.

The following series of records are included:

1310 Academic Session Organization (1966-2003)
2120 Enrolment Statistics (1936-1984)
2430 Awards and Scholarships Programs (1957-2005)
4160 Official University Identification (1952-1965)
5160 University Events (1965-2024)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (1933-1968)
5170 External Relations (1964-1998)
5450 University Publications (1969-2008)
5461 Promotional Materials (1996-2008)

Mark Abley fonds
P182 · Fonds · 1857, 1874, 1878, [1899], [191-], [192-], 1940, [1948], 1963-[1967], 1972-2024, predominantly 1972-2015

The fonds documents Mark Abley’s career as a writer from 1972 to 2015 and his contribution to the Canadian literary culture. It reflects his work as journalist, especially for La Gazette, and his freelance writing in the fields of journalism, poetry, children’s books, editing, and non-fiction books. Furthermore, the fonds illustrates Abley’s various ways to give on his passion, be it through lectures, workshops, conferences, school visits or even religious services.
Finally, the fonds gives an insight into English literature from Quebec, especially poetry, dating from the 1970s to 2014, mainly through a collection of chapbooks and monographies, which are all signed by the authors. This collection is completed by several literary magazines and issues of Ogmios, the Journal of the Foundation for Endangered Languages.
The subjects of endangered languages and English as part of Quebec’s language culture have been repeatedly treated by Abley and can be found throughout the fonds.
The fonds also includes interviews that Abley conducted within the scope of his research with several English-speaking writers, such as Jane Goodall, Henry Kissinger, and others.
The fonds contains published as much as unpublished works by Mark Abley.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

P182/A Journalistic career
P182/B Freelance writer
P182/C Awards and scholarships
P182/D Outreach
P182/E Contacts with fellow writers
P182/F Literary publications by other authors

The fonds contains, but is not limited to, journals, publications, newspaper articles, notes, chapbooks, correspondence, drafts, drawings, lists, reviews, a will, photographs, invitations, poems, novels, grant applications, book excerpts, mock-up covers, directories, publicity material, a newsletter, permissions, reports, a score, scripts, contracts, comments, proof prints, agendas, CVs, policies, essays, posters, handouts, interviews, research material, ID-cards, programs, handouts, proposals, award certificates, speaking notes, song lyrics, a video, a multi-media, sound recordings, and a seed package.

Sans titre
Centre for Engineering in Society fonds
I0232 · Fonds · 2010 - 2024

This fonds documents the administrative activities of the Centre for Engineering in Society. The following RCRP categories are contained within this fonds:

-1131 Curriculum Development (2018)
-1140 Academic Program Management
-1331 Examination & Test - Questionnaires (2009)
-1410 Academic Appointments (2015-2019)
-3210 Research Chairs (2020)
-5110 Administrative Planning (2010)
-5111 Meetings of Units (2010-2019)
-5112 Reports, Studies & Analysis (2010-2018)
-5461 Promotional Material
-6120 Advisory Search Committees & Evaluations (2017-2018)

Journalistic career
P182/A · Série · [1909?], 1916, [1924], [1948], [1965], 1976-2023
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

The series illustrates Mark Abley’s career as journalist. He worked for several magazines, among others Maclean’s, Saturday Night, and The Gazette,, but also as a freelancer. The series gives an insight into Abley’s interests and viewpoints through his journalistic work on a variety of subjects, such as, among others, the Armenian genocide, developing countries, language, and English literature.
The series also includes interviews that Abley conducted within his research with writers, politicians, and other personalities such as Jane Goodall, Henry Kissinger, and more.

The series is organized into the following subseries:

P182/A1 Research material
P182/A2 Articles
P182/A3 Work at La Gazette

The series contains, but is not limited to, newspaper articles by Mark Abley and other writers, book reviews, research material, interview notes, drafts, ID-cards, correspondence, a proposal, a schedule, a memorandum of agreement, business cards, notes, publications, photographs, a press kit, reports, reference documentation, sound recordings, and a seed package.

RMA-2024-31 · Accession · 2009 - 2023
Fait partie de Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre

This transfer contains digitized and born-digital administrative records from the Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre. This transfer also contains a selection of digital photographs from various events organized by the Multi-faith and Spirituality Centre. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

5110 Administrative Planning (2022-2023)
51111 Meetings (2013-2018)
5112 Reports and Analyses (2016-2020)
5113 Statistics (2015-2020)
5160 University Events (2011-2020)
9330 Community Engagement Projects (2009-2018)

ESSE arts + opinion collection
C049 · Collection · 1987-2023 ; predominant 1987-1999

La collection ESSE arts + opinions fournit des informations sur le magazine ESSE arts + opinions de 1987 à 2023. La collection se compose de documents administratifs, de photographies et de matériel promotionnel qui documentent les fonctions et les activités du magazine au cours des premières années de sa publication entre 1987 et 1998. La collection comprend également de la documentation sur les artistes et les collaborateurs qui ont participé au travail éditorial du magazine.

La collection contient des essais, des brouillons, des articles, de la correspondance, des documents financiers, des procès-verbaux et des ordres du jour, des notes manuscrites, des manuscrits, des photographies et des coupures de presse concernant ESSE arts + opinions. La collections comprend également des informations relatives aux collaborateurs, des communiqués de presse, du matériel promotionnel tel que des dépliants, des cartes postales et des brochures. La collection contient 19 numéros du magazine publiés entre 1987 et 2011.

Sans titre
I0034 · Fonds · 1974-2023

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University Department of Recreation and Athletics from 1974 until 2010.

It contains programs, schedules, newspaper clippings, minutes of meetings, correspondence, photographs, audio-visual documents, objects. It includes a list of varsity athletes by sports between 1937 and 1989 compiled by Theresa Humes.

The fonds is organized in the following series:

1210 International Academic Cooperation - Agreements
1220 Students Exchange Programs
1310 Academic Session Organization
1330 Teaching Activities
2410 Student Orientation Activities
4130 Organization Charts and Mandates
4131 Delegation of Authority
4210 University Policies and Procedures
4320 External Audits
5110 Planning
5111 Committees and Meetings
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses
5113 Statistics
5150 Unit Evaluations
5160 University Events
5170 External Relations
5171 Conferences and Seminars - External
5410 Internal News and Announcements
5420 Media Relations
5430 Media Coverage
5460 Promotional Materials
6110 Staff and Position Management
6111 Job Profiles
6131 Job Posting and Hiring Criteria
9110 Fundraising Initiatives
9211 Historical Evolution
9320 Public Art Projects
9510 Recreation and Athletics Activities Programs
9530 Sport Regular Season
9531 Team Players
9540 Championships and Tournaments
9550 Sport Awards and Events

Sans titre
Department of Art History fonds
I0070 · Fonds · 1982 - 2023

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University Department of Art History. This fonds consists mainly of course outlines, curriculum development files and publications. The following RCRP categories are contained within this fonds:

1131 Curriculum Development
1140 Academic Program Management
1160 Academic Program Appraisals
1312 Course File
1313 Course Outlines
1410 Recruitment - Academic Appointment
1421 CUFA Academic Dossiers
1430 CUPFA Academic & Professional Dossiers
2120 Enrolment Statistics
2240 Thesis and Dissertation - Management
2410 Student Orientation Activities
2430 Awards & Scholarships Programs
3210 Chairs
4130 Organizational Chart and Mandate
5111 Meetings of Units
5112 Reports, Studies & Analyses
5113 Statistics
5160 University Events
5430 Media Relations
5450 University Publications
5461 Promotional Material
6111 Job Profiles
9430 Information & Orientation Activities

The following publications are included in this fonds:

  • Briefs/News/Views, 1988 (PUB-126)
  • Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History, 2005-2019 (PUB-387)
  • Volute : Concordia Fine Arts Magazine, 1991-1994 (PUB-348)
  • Yiara Magazine, 2015-2019
  • Art History Course Guides, 1982-1989
Sans titre
Library fonds
I0007 · Fonds · 1933?-2023

This fonds provides information on the activities of the Concordia Library.

The following series of records are included:

1140 Academic Program Management (1974-1981)
4120 Governing Bodies - Committees (1977-1978)
4210 University Policies (1964-1978)
5110 Administrative Planning (1969-2007)
5111 Meetings of Units (1956-2020)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (1962-2007)
5113 Statistics (1963-2016)
5160 University Events (1992-2023)
5170 External Relations (1960-1998)
5270 Copyrights (1976-1994)
5430 Media Coverage (1965-1994)
5450 University Publications (1972-2008)
5461 Promotional Materials (1992-1997?)
8130 Construction Projects (1982-ca. 1990)
9110 Fundraising Campaigns and Projects (1983-1990)
9210 Historical Archives Programs (1975-1976)
9211 Archival Holdings Management (1965-1982)
9220 Libraries Collection - Reference (1933-1982)
9223 Libraries - Special Collections Management (1960-2001)
9320 Public Art Projects (1994-2020)
9331 Urban and Cultural Projects (2003)

Sans titre
P182/D · Série · 1977, 1980-2023
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

During his career as an author and journalist, Mark Abley has reached out to readers and the literary community as a teacher, lecturer, speaker, panelist, and more. He participated in conferences and festivals, visited schools, and was involved with various organisations, such as the Quebec Writers' Federation and the Writer’s Union of Canada.
An important aspect of Ableys work consists of the promotion of English language as part of Quebec culture as well as raising awareness for endangered languages. In this context, Abley took part in the Quanglos tour to promote Quebec English-language writers in 1995. In 2013, Abley participated in the production of a DVD produced by the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network (QAHN).
Abley has taught in many institutions, including Concordia, Oxford, Cambridge, and Ohio State Universities. He has led several non-fiction workshops, among others for the Quebec Writers’ Federation and at the Banff Centre for the Arts, where he also got involved as a writer, editor, and guest lecturer in the Creative Nonfiction program.
Abley also reached out to young audiences, for example through school visits to promote his book Ghost Cat.
In 2011, Abley was writer in residence at the Pointe-Claire Public library, and in March 2016 at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.
As a member of the Unitarian Church of Montreal, Abley has led several religious services, which are also documented in this series.
Finally, Abley served as literary executor of the poet Anne Szumigalski.
The series is completed with interviews with Mark Abley, and his CVs.

The series contains, but is not limited to, agendas, an address book, CVs, policies, biographies, correspondence, course outlines, brochures, drafts, essays, posters, handbooks, handouts, interviews, invitations, notes, lectures, lists, photographs, newspaper articles, poems, publications, contracts, a catalog, a project proposal, programs, reviews, speeches, a will, a festival schedule, pamphlets, radio scripts, speaking notes, song lyrics, flyers, a sound recording, and a multi-media production.

Department of Philosophy fonds
I0023 · Fonds · 1968 - 2023

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University Department of Philosophy. Minutes of the Committee on Experimentation and Innovation in Higher Education as well as some correspondence are comprised in the fonds.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

5450 University Publications, 1973-2023
5461 Promotional Material, 1976-2002

The following publication is included in this fonds:

  • Gnosis, 1973-2022 (PUB-034)
The Link fonds
P0150 · Fonds · 1972-2023

The fonds provides information on The Georgian and Loyola News, and on the activities of The Link.

The fonds consists of the publication The Link, minutes of staff meetings, letters to the editor, and other administrative files. The fonds includes photographs of a variety of subjects from The Georgian.

Sans titre
Research and Reference Documentation
P0297/C · Série · ca. 1977-2023
Fait partie de Anastasios Anastasopoulos fonds

The series provides information on Anastasios Anastasopoulos' activities as a researcher and as a director of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IAER). It consists of research proposals, reports, discussion papers on topics such as:

  • the economic relations between Quebec, and other economic regions;
  • sectorial impacts of the imposition of internal tariffs between Quebec and the rest of Canada;
  • the impact on the Quebec economy of a disruption of trade relations between Quebec and its major trading partners.

The series also notably contains a research proposal, notes and some correspondence related to the Canada With and Without Quebec, The economic impact on the regions of Canada project submitted to the Donner Foundation (ca. 1991).

Are also included in the series many notes and miscellaneous reference documentation on subjects such as macroeconomy, decision making, Canadian economy or hedging.

Sans titre
RMA-2023-35 · Accession · 1998 - 2023
Fait partie de Department of Recreation and Athletics fonds

This transfer contains digitized and born-digital administrative records from the Recreation and Athletics department. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

4160 Official University Identification (1998-2023)
5160 University Events (2012-2022)
9510 Recreation Programs Management (1999-2023)
9520 Varsity Sports Management (2003-2020)
9530 Sports Teams & Clubs (2010-2023)
9531 Team Players Files (2022-2023)
9550 Sports & Athletics Recognition Events (2015)

RMA-2023-34 · Accession · 1997 - 2023
Fait partie de Department of Art History fonds

This transfer contains digitized and born-digital administrative records from the Department of Art History. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

1131 - Curriculum Development (2015)
1313 - Course Outlines (1997-2023)
1410 - Recruitment - Academic Appointments (2001-2013)
2410 - Student Orientation Activities (2016-2018)
2430 - Awards and Scholarships (2013)
5440 - Websites (2010-2013)
5450 - University Publications (2011-2014)

P182/A2 · Sous-série · 1972-2023
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

The sub-series provides information on a variety of subjects, such as racism, bilingualism, language, poverty, English literature and writers, and much more, illustrating Abley’s career as journalist. Abley worked for several magazines, among others Maclean’s, Saturday Night, and The Gazette. For the latter he wrote, among others, the Watchword column.

The sub-series contains, but is not limited to, newspaper articles by Mark Abley and other writers, book reviews, research material, interview notes, drafts, and various publications.

Anastasios Anastasopoulos fonds
P0297 · Fonds · ca. 1964-2023

The fonds provides information on Anastasios Anastasopoulos's career at Concordia University as a professor of Economics, as a published researcher and director of the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IAER).

The fonds includes papers and other writings of Anastasopoulos, teaching materials (course outlines, course notes, textbooks), some correspondence, reference documentation and notes related to his field of expertise - macroeconomic theory and policy, financial economics, the theory of uncertainty and applied general equilibrium models.

Sans titre
I0057 · Fonds · 1986 - 2023

This fonds documents the administrative activities of the Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs.

The following series of records are included in the fonds:

1110 Academic Planning
1130 Program Feasibility & Development - APC Committee
1131 Curriculum Development
1140 Academic Program Management
1141 Program Accreditation & Certifications
1160 Academic Program Appraisal
1210 Academic Co-operation Agreements
1220 Student Exchange Programs
1320 Support for Teaching
1410 Recruitment Academic Appointment
1430 CUPFA - Academic and Professional Dossier
1450 Academic Visitors
1470 Recognition Awards & Prizes to Professors
2120 Enrolment Statistics
2420 Support Services for Students
2430 Awards & Scholarships Programs
3210 Research Chairs
4120 Governing Bodies - Committees
4131 Delegation of Authority
4150 Honorary Distinctions - Selection Process
5110 Administrative Planning
5111 Meetings of Units
5112 Reports, Studies & Analyses
5160 University Events
5170 External Relations
5171 Conferences & Seminars - External
5172 Public Relations Activities
5220 Litigation
6110 Staff & Position Management
6120 Advisory Search Committees & Evaluation
6530 Negotiations
6551 Complaints & Grievances
9110 Fundraising Campaigns & Projects

RMA-2023-40 · Accession · 2020 - 2023
Fait partie de Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic Affairs fonds

This transfer contains digitized and born-digital administrative records from the Office of the Provost Vice-President, Academic Affairs relating to the President's Task Force on Anti-Black Racism, including photos from the Final Report launch event. The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:

4130 Organizational Charts and Mandates (2020-2022)
5112 Reports, Studies, and Analyses (2021-2023)
5160 University Events (2022)
5170 External Relations (2022)
5400 Communications (2021-2022)

Department of Contemporary Dance fonds
I0059 · Fonds · 1980 - 2022

The fonds gives information on the history and activities of the department and on contemporary dance in Montreal as well.
The fonds mainly includes newspaper clippings, leaflets, show programs, and posters from 1978-1994 and 2003-2007. The fonds also includes video recordings of four lectures given in 2013, parts of the Mover Over Lecture Series. The lecturers were Marie-Hélène Falcon, Marten Spangberg, Sarah Chase, and Guy Cools.

Sans titre
RMA-2023-23 · Accession · 1982 - 2022
Fait partie de Department of Art History fonds

The following RCRP categories are contained within this records transfer:


Awards and scholarships
P182/C · Série · 1977, 1980, 1987-1993, 2000-2011, 2019, 2022
Fait partie de Mark Abley fonds

The series provides information on awards and scholarships obtained by Mark Abley between 1977 and 2011, such as the Rhodes Scholarship, the LiberPress Prize, the Guggenheim Fellowship, the Torgi Literary Award, and the Alumni of Influence Award of the University of Saskatchewan. The series also includes documents related to the funding organizations, and to Abley's studies in English as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford in the 1970s.

The series contains, but is not limited to, a book, programs, correspondence, brochures, notes, essays, handouts, a pamphlet, a magazine, a photograph, press clippings, a proposal, a presentation, award certificates, a draft program, an address, a report, and a video.