Affichage de 427 résultats

Description archivistique
Concordia University Press fonds
I0231 · Fonds · 2020 - 2024

This fonds includes preservation copies of the books produced by the Concordia University Press and promotional material produced for events.

The following RCRP category is contained within this fonds :

5430 Media Coverage (2021-2024)
5450 University Publications (2020-2024)
5461 Promotional Material (2019-2024)

Sans titre
Centre Never Apart collection
C054 · Collection · 2014 - 2021

La collection du Centre Never Apart se compose de documents publiés par le centre concernant les expositions et les événements organisés dans le centre depuis sa création en 2015 jusqu'à sa fermeture en 2022. La collection comprend les programmes saisonniers (à partir) de l'été 2015 à l'automne 2021, ainsi que la série complète des catalogues de Never Apart Année 1 à Never Apart Année 7. La collection comprend également des souvenirs d'événements et d'expositions organisés au Centre Never Apart. Finalement, la collection contient les livres Age of Union : Igniting the Changemaker (2019) ; 5 Years of NVA Music (n.d) ; et des livres de coloriage Colour by Icons (2017) tous publiés par le Centre Never Apart.

La collection du Centre Never Apart contient des livres, des programmes saisonniers, des livres d'art, des magazines, des brochures, des dépliants, des cartes postales, des objets et des enregistrements sonores.

Sans titre
Centre for Engineering in Society fonds
I0232 · Fonds · 2010 - 2024

This fonds documents the administrative activities of the Centre for Engineering in Society. The following RCRP categories are contained within this fonds:

-1131 Curriculum Development (2018)
-1140 Academic Program Management
-1331 Examination & Test - Questionnaires (2009)
-1410 Academic Appointments (2015-2019)
-3210 Research Chairs (2020)
-5110 Administrative Planning (2010)
-5111 Meetings of Units (2010-2019)
-5112 Reports, Studies & Analysis (2010-2018)
-5461 Promotional Material
-6120 Advisory Search Committees & Evaluations (2017-2018)

Harriet Eisenkraft fonds
P068 · Fonds · April 2009

The fonds consists of interviews conducted by Harriet Eisenkraft.

Sans titre
I0048 · Fonds · 2006 - 2017

The fonds provides information on the administrative and curricular activities of the Concordia University Department of Geography, Planning and Environment.

The following series of records are included:

1313 Course Outlines
1410 Recruitment - Academic Appointments
5450 University Publications
5461 Promotional Material

The following publications are included in this fonds:

  • PUB-147 – Urban Scrawl (1987-1988)
  • PUB-148 – The Master Plan (1987)
  • Geography Course Guides (1976-1997)
  • Urban Studies Course Guides (1979-1997)
FOFA Gallery fonds
I0204 · Fonds · 2005 - 2019

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University FOFA Gallery. The fonds is organized in the following series:

5170 EXTERNAL RELATIONS (2013-2017)
5160 UNIVERSITY EVENTS (2006-2016)
5420 MEDIA RELATIONS ([200?])
5430 MEDIA COVERAGE (2007-2014)
5451 LEGAL DEPOSIT (2007)
9120 DONOR FILES (2015)

Sans titre
Hospitality Concordia fonds
I0042 · Fonds · 2004 - 2019

This fonds documents the administrative activities of Hospitality Concordia. This fonds also contains a number of ephemeral objects, including former Concordia blazer jackets. The fonds is organized in the following series:

2420 Support Services for Students (2007-2014)
4130 Organizational Charts and Mandates (2005-2010)
4210 University Policies (2004-2010)
5110 Administrative Planning (2006-2018)
5111 Meetings of Units (2004-2017)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (2004-2013)
5160 University Events (2004-2017)
5170 External Relations (2009-2015)
5174 Supplier Files (2005-2015)
5420 Media Relations (2011)
5460 Marketing Campaigns (2004-2015)
6110 Staff and Position Management (2005-2010)
8100 Real Estate Management (2009-2013)
8121 Estate Inventories (2008-2009)
8134 Renovation - Unit Files (2008-2013)
8340 Sustainability Program (2010-2011)

Sans titre
P0271 · Fonds · 2004-2020

The fonds provides information on art history related topics and on the publication of the journal.

The fonds contains administrative records, manuscripts, published issues and graphic materials (such as posters and logos).

The following publication is included in this fonds:

  • The Concordia Undergraduate Journal of Art History (PUB-387)
Sans titre
I0053 · Fonds · 2000-2014

The fonds provides information on the administrative activities of the Concordia Campus safety and Prevention Services.

The followings series of records are included:

2410 Student Orientation Activities (2009-2010)
4130 Organizational Charts and Mandates (2000-2001)
5110 Administrative Planning (2000-2013)
5111 Meetings of Unit (2001-2014)
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses (2003-2010)
5113 Statistics (2003-2006)
5160 University Events (2002-2013)
5170 External Relations (2001-2006)
5440 Websites (2000-2001)
5450 University Publications (2008-2009)
5461 Promotional Materials
5510 IT Security Governance (2007-2008)
8410 Security Management (2000-2014)

I0187 · Fonds · 1999

The fonds provides information on the activities of the Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies from 1987 until 2013.

It contains annual reports, event files, publications, promotional materials, minutes and press clippings.

Sans titre
Fonds Edwin Orion Brownell
P147 · Fonds · 1999-2000

Le fonds renferme de l'information sur le rhythm and blues à Montréal.

Le fonds contient un essai rédigé en 2000 pour un cours à l'Université Concordia, intitulé Notes in Time: A Brief History of Montreal's Rhythm and Blues Club Circuit, sur les boîtes de nuit de Montréal de 1967 à 1999. On y retrouve aussi des entrevues vidéo avec quatre musiciens de rhythm and blues et une copie d'une photographie de Rockhead's Paradise, une boîte de nuit de Montréal.

Sans titre
Blue Metropolis Foundation fonds
P232 · Fonds · 1997-2005

The Blue Metropolis Foundation fonds provides information on the Blue Metropolis Foundation from its beginnings in 1997 to 2005. The fonds documents not only the administrative organisation of the Foundation, but also includes materials related to the Blue Metropolis Literary Festival's held between 1999 and 2004. The Festival takes place annually in Montreal, Quebec. The fonds also contains information about the artists which participated in the festival in various years.

The fonds contains administrative records, minutes, correspondence, financial records, programs, publicity material, photographs, biographical information, and newspapers.

The fonds is organized in the following series:
P0232/A Administrative records
P0232/B Blue Metropolis Literary Festival
P0232/C Writers
P0232/D Year-round Literacy activities

Sans titre
I0175 · Fonds · 1997 - 2009

The fonds is mainly composed of promotional productions on university events and units, and class lectures made by IITS Technology Services, TV Studios or Creative Media Services, between 1998 and 2009.

The fonds mainly includes videocassettes on various formats, and a few DVD and digital audio cassettes.

Sans titre
Ana Cappelluto fonds
P0272 · Fonds · 1997-2000, [2015]

The fonds provides information on Ana Cappelluto’s project with the CNC on Quebec theatre costume designers, mainly between 1997 and 2000.
The fonds mainly consists of a web site entitled “Archive de costume de Montréal / Montréal Costumes Archive”. There are also a few administrative records and some reference materials on the history of costumes.

Sans titre
School of Irish Studies fonds
I0188 · Fonds · 1996 - 2019

This fonds documents the administrative activities of the School of Irish Studies. This fonds also includes an important number of posters used to promote various activities and events organized by the School of Irish Studies. The following RCRP categories are contained within this fonds:

1131 Curriculum Development
1410 Recruitment - Academic Appointment
2430 Awards and Scholarships - Programs
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses
5160 University Events
5170 External Relations
5430 Media Coverage
5440 Websites
5450 University Publications
5460 Marketing
5461 Promotional Material

Sans titre
Department of Education fonds
I0022 · Fonds · 1996-2012

The fonds provides information on the courses taught in the Department of Education.

It includes videos of Introduction to Culture and Educational Psychology courses broadcasted on Canal Savoir, as well as course outlines.

Bob McKenna fonds
P180 · Fonds · [1995?]-2001

The Bob McKenna fonds contains documents pertaining to the film “About the Corridart Affair,” produced by Bob McKenna in 2001.

The fonds contains original material used for the production of the film “About the Corridart Affair.” The documents consist primarily of on-camera interviews with the artists involved in the exhibition "Corridart dans la rue Sherbrooke," bearing witness to the artists’ careers and to the legal proceedings following the dismantling of the exhibition. Also included in the fonds are the film itself and a poster announcing the film, along with electronic photographs and newspaper clippings used in the production of the film.

Sans titre
Christian Fleury fonds
P0255 · Fonds · 1995 - 2002

The fonds provides visual information on academic, social and cultural events at Concordia University.
The fonds consists of photographs, negatives and release forms.

Sans titre
P0130 · Fonds · 1994-1996

The fonds provides information on the Concordia Graduate History Students' Association annual conferences.

The fonds consists of schedules, expense records, correspondence, and conference proceedings.

Sans titre
Hour collection
C033 · Collection · 1993-2012

The Hour collection is composed of 72 bound volumes of the Hour newspaper published between 1993 and 2011 and those issues published under the name Hour Community in 2011 and 2012. The bound volumes comprise almost every issue of Hour and Hour Community published between February 1993 and May 2012, with the exception of volume 2, numbers 18 to 35 (1994), which are missing from the collection. The collection also contains the prototype of Hour.

Sans titre
C050 · Collection · 1993

La collection Résidence Carl Johnson et François Morelli documente la résidence d'artiste et d'écrivain de Johnson et Morelli à La Chambre blanche à Québec. La résidence a eu lieu en 1993, surlignant ainsi le 15e anniversaire du centre d'artistes. Le processus de création a duré du 3 mai 1993 jusqu’au 13 mai 1993, suivit par une exposition des résultats du 13 au 30 mai 1993. Le projet consistait en deux séries de huit cartes postales imprimées et envoyées par groupes de quatre. Les cartes postales ont été envoyées par Carl Johnson et François Morelli à des artistes individuels, des travailleurs culturels et des amis, qui les ont ensuite modifiées et renvoyées à Carl Johnson et François Morelli, qui les ont intégrées dans leur livre d'artiste intitulé Indexer le lieu, inscrire le corps.

La collection se compose de cartes postales, du livre d'artiste Indexer le lieu, inscrire le corps, d'objets, de documents textuels, de photographies, d'œuvres d'art et de matériel numérique.

Sans titre
Collection L'Entraide Missionnaire
C022 · Collection · [1993-2013]

The L’Entraide Missionnaire collection primarily consists of textual materials collected by L’Entraide Missionnaire during the course of their activities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda. Materials do not document the administration and functions of L’Entraide Mission, but reflect their presence and activities in Africa. The documents in this collection were given to the organization during the course of their work in the field and consist of fist-hand information from the ground in the countries where L’Entraide Missionaire was working from 1993 to 2013. Much of the documentation concerns mining in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The collection mostly contains textual records, including reports and summaries; correspondence; ministerial declarations; statutes, agreements, and conventions; financial statements; contracts and other legal documents; and texts documenting debates, among other material.

Sans titre
I0166 · Fonds · 1993 - 2019

The fonds documents the activities of the Concordia University Office of Rights and Responsibilities. This fonds consists mainly of reports and annual reports. The following RCRP categories are contained within this fonds:

4120 Governing Bodies - Committees
5111 Meetings of Units
5112 Reports, Studies and Analyses
5461 Promotional Material

Elizabeth K. Horwood fonds
P0127 · Fonds · 1992-1997

The fonds provides information on the events that occurred at Concordia University on the afternoon of August 24, 1992.

The fonds consists of the account of the events prepared by Elizabeth Horwood, transcripts from the 911 conversation, transcripts of the court hearings, and a pamphlet.

Sans titre
Black Community Resource Centre fonds
F045 · Fonds · 1992-2021

Le fonds du Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC) fournit des informations sur l'administration, les finances, les projets, les services et les activités du BCRC depuis sa création en 1992 jusqu'en 2021. Le fonds comprend également une vaste documentation sur plusieurs partenariats entre le BCRC et d'autres organisations avec lesquelles il s'est associé dans le cadre de divers programmes et ateliers.

Le fonds du Black Community Resource Centre se compose principalement de documents textuels qui détaillent le processus administratif de l'organisation et les activités quotidiennes du BCRC. Le fonds contient des accords de partenariat, des procès-verbaux, des ordres du jour, des bulletins d'information, de la correspondance, des rapports annuels, des documents financiers, des évaluations de projets, des diapositives de présentations et des descriptions de postes de travail, entre autres documents administratifs. Aussi, le fonds comprend des photographies, des affiches et du matériel promotionnel pour plusieurs événements et programmes offerts par le BCRC et d'autres organisations, y compris aussi le Programme de préparation à l'école, le Bureau des bénévoles, House of King and Queens, et le festival A Taste of the Caribbean (Goût des Caraïbes). Il contient également de la documentation de recherche et d'autres documents conservés par le BCRC pour être utilisés dans son centre de ressources.

Sans titre
P0155 · Fonds · 1991-2000

The fonds includes financial and administrative documents including minutes and documents on the AHGSA annual conferences and other activities.

It is organized in four series :

Sans titre
International Aviation MBA Program
I0037 · Fonds · 1991-2009

The fonds provides information on the administrative, curricular and marketing activities of the International Aviation MBA Program Office.

It includes promotional materials, records related to events organized by the office, some correspondence, course evaluations, program appraisal reports and photographs of graduating classes.