Affichage de 368 résultats

Description archivistique
Fonds Jacques Trépanier
P246 · Fonds · 1947-1954

Le fonds couvre la carrière journalistique de Jacques Trépanier au début des années 1950 et documente principalement la scène artistique montréalaise. Le fonds se compose surtout de coupures de presse de La Patrie, conservées dans deux spicilèges. Plusieurs articles sont des chroniques portant sur les clubs de nuit à Montréal de 1950 à 1954, publiés sous une rubrique intitulée « La Ronde des cabarets ». Le fonds inclut également une quarantaine de photos de presse et quelques pièces de correspondance.

Sans titre
Desmond Rupert Adams fonds
P241 · Fonds · 1925-2007

The Desmond Rupert Adams fonds consists of personal, family, and studio photographs including studio portraits, commercial assignments and personal explorations. The majority of the photographs are portraits. Some photographs depict Expo '67, the Olympic games in Montreal 1976, and street life in Montreal.

The fonds contains a variety of photographic formats, art works, and exhibition prints. There are photo albums, some audio-visual documents and some studio client files.

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Merrily Weisbord fonds
P240 · Fonds · 1941-1994

Fonds consists of research material and oral history interviews conducted by Merrily Weisbord for the writing of The Strangest Dream. The interviews cover various aspects of the evolution of the Communist Party of Canada (renamed the Labour Progressive Party in 1943) and the life of some of its Quebec members.

Fonds includes more than 20 hours of sound recordings consisting of interviews with about fifteen individuals who were members of the party between the 1930s and the 1950s, such as Lea Roback, Irene Kon, Gilles Hénault and Fred Taylor. All the players, from the upper middle class intellectual Stanley Ryerson to the working class lumber camp labour organizer, Gérard Fortin, are included. There is also a 15 minute recorded message by Paul Robeson urging Montreal voters to reelect Fred Rose in 1945. Fonds also includes interview notes and transcriptions, correspondence, and printed materials.

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Ann Charney fonds
P237 · Fonds · 1954-2009

The Ann Charney fonds provides information on Ann Charney’s journalistic and literary career as well as her personal life. It documents both Charney's fiction and non-fiction writings from the 1960s until 2009, and provides insight into the process of publishing from the author’s point of view. The fonds also includes information on the Blue Metropolis foundation, a not-for-profit organization located in Montreal, Quebec, responsible for the annual Blue Metropolis Montreal International Literary Festival. Finally, the fonds provides a glimpse into the life of Jewish emigrants. It also contains information about Canadian and international artists working during the second half of the 20th century.

The fonds contains drafts and final versions of novels and short stories written by Ann Charney; personal and professional correspondence; newspaper articles; publicity material; meeting minutes; agreements; financial documents; photographs; reports; and magazines, among other documents.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

P0237/A Fiction
P0237/B Non-fiction
P0237/C Correspondence
P0237/D Blue Metropolis

Sans titre
Don Bell fonds
P235 · Fonds · 1936-2004

The fonds documents the personal and professional life of Don Bell, his work as a magazine journalist and used and rare book dealer and many features of life in Montreal and elsewhere during his working life.

It includes personal and family documents, correspondence, manuscripts, research materials, notebooks, and photographs.

Sans titre
Sur Rodney (Sur) fonds
P234 · Fonds · [ca. 1900]-2022, predominantly 1974-2019

The Sur Rodney (Sur) fonds gives an insight into the life and career of Sur Rodney (Sur), from his childhood in Montreal until today. It informs about his family background and early life as part of Montreal’s black community during the 1950s and 1960s. The fonds illustrates Sur Rodney’s work as an artist and activist, and it presents the North-American and more precisely the New York East Village art scene around Sur Rodney (Sur) from the 1960s to 2018, by the means of personal correspondence exchanged with Sur Rodney (Sur), exhibition catalogues, and documents related to The Sur Rodney (Sur) Show (1980) and the All New Sur Rodney (Sur) Show (1981). It also contains information about the AIDS crisis, the organization Visual Aids and Sur Rodney’s implication within this context.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

P0234/A The Adams family and Sur Rodney (Sur)’s personal life
P0234/B The Artist Sur Rodney (Sur) and fellow artists

The fonds includes, but is not limited to, photographs, art works, scrap-books, posters, speaking notes, correspondence, programs, flyers, newspaper clippings, ephemera, publications with contributions by Sur Rodney (Sur), moving images and sound recordings.

Sans titre
David Lee fonds
P233 · Fonds · 1984-2000

The David Lee fonds illustrates David Lee’s work as an author as well as the life of Paul Bley. It contains material related to the biography of the Montreal-born jazz pianist Paul Bley (1932-2016), entitled “Stopping Time : Paul Bley and the Transformation of Jazz” by Paul Bley and David Lee, published by Vehicule Press in 1998.

The fonds includes transcripts of interviews with Paul Bley; manuscripts for the book “Stopping Time : Paul Bley and the Transformation of Jazz” by Paul Bley and David Lee; correspondence; and photographs, among other documents.

Sans titre
Blue Metropolis Foundation fonds
P232 · Fonds · 1997-2005

The Blue Metropolis Foundation fonds provides information on the Blue Metropolis Foundation from its beginnings in 1997 to 2005. The fonds documents not only the administrative organisation of the Foundation, but also includes materials related to the Blue Metropolis Literary Festival's held between 1999 and 2004. The Festival takes place annually in Montreal, Quebec. The fonds also contains information about the artists which participated in the festival in various years.

The fonds contains administrative records, minutes, correspondence, financial records, programs, publicity material, photographs, biographical information, and newspapers.

The fonds is organized in the following series:
P0232/A Administrative records
P0232/B Blue Metropolis Literary Festival
P0232/C Writers
P0232/D Year-round Literacy activities

Sans titre
Boyce Richardson fonds
P231 · Fonds · 1948-2003

The fonds documents the professional life of Boyce Richardson.

It includes manuscripts of articles, research materials, correspondence, newspaper clippings, film proposals and scripts, and photographs of the James Bay Cree community.

Sans titre
Vernon Isaac fonds
P228 · Fonds · [193-?]-2000

The materials in the fonds document Vernon Isaac’s life as a jazz musician and the Canadian jazz scene of the 1970s to 1990s. The fonds also contains information about Vernon Isaac’s family.

The fonds includes personal documents, photographs of Vernon Isaac’s family, friends and other performers, press clippings, programs, posters, commemorative plaques, and sound and audiovisual recordings of Vernon Isaac.

The fonds is organized into the following series:
P0228/A. Textual records
P0228/B. Scrapbooks, photo albums and other graphic material
P0228/C Audio-visual material
P0228/D Objects

Sans titre
Linda Leith fonds
P227 · Fonds · 1944-2008

The description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.

Sans titre
Taras Grescoe fonds
P223 · Fonds · 1982 - 2022

Fonds consists of materials related to the life and work of Taras Grescoe and documents the research conducted during the process of writing the following publications: Sacré Blues (2000), The End of Elsewhere (2003), The Devil's Picnic (2005), Bottomfeeder: How to Ear Ethically in a World of Vanishing Seafood (2008), Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile (2012), and Shanghai Grand: Forbidden Love and International Intrigue in a Doomed World (2016). These publications document Quebec society, tourism, the environment, history, and the prohibited food and substance business, among other topics. The fonds includes audio interviews and transcripts and interview transcripts, research documentation, drafts of book chapters and articles, travel notebooks, correspondence, and manuscripts.

The records include sound recordings and transcripts of interviews, research materials, drafts of book chapters and articles, travel notebooks, and correspondence.

Sans titre
Gerald Clark fonds
P220 · Fonds · 1939-2001

The Gerald Clark fonds contains documents pertaining to the Gerald Cohen's professional life and documents current events occuring in the period that he was active as a newspaper correspondent.

The fonds is composed of research materials, notes, drafts of articles and books, clippings of articles, correspondence, and speeches, among other materials. It also includes recorded interviews with world figures.

Sans titre
Al Baculis fonds
P215 · Fonds · [196-?]

The Al Baculis fonds documents Al Baculis’ career as a jazz musician.

The fonds consists of arrangements written by Al Baculis in the 1960s. It includes scores for Caravan, I believe in you, Love for sale, Out of Bounds, Round the Bend, Say si si, Will you still be mine?, and Wives and Lovers.

Sans titre
Maura McKeon fonds
P212 · Fonds · 1918, 1935-1963

The fonds illustrates theatre life in Montreal from 1918 to 1963, in particular the presentations at His Majesty’s Theatre, later Her Majesty’s Theatre, in Montreal, Quebec.

The fonds consists of theatre programs from the His Majesty’s Theatre, later known as Her Majesty’s Theatre, Montreal.

Sans titre
Patricia Burns fonds
P204 · Fonds · 1990-1993

The fonds documents an oral history project of the Irish of Montreal made by Patricia Burns on behalf of the St. Patrick's Society of Montreal between 1990 and 1992. The materials were used by Patricia Burns for her book The Shamrock and the Shield : an oral history of the Irish in Montreal.

The fonds is mainly composed of sound recordings and transcriptions of 54 interviews conducted by Patricia Burns and some by Kevin O'Donnell, with people of Irish origin living in Montreal, and many having grown up in Griffintown.

Sans titre
Daniel Feist fonds
P203 · Fonds · 1953-2005, predominant [199-]-2004

The fonds documents Daniel Feist’s work as a freelance broadcaster, journalist, musician and teacher, including his travels and participation in events such as Montreal’s Nuits d’Afrique festival, the United Nations Conference on Racism, music awards, and others. The material mainly covers the genre of world-beat music (also known as world music) in the period from 1990 to 2005. Some sound recordings of music performances include interviews with the artists.

The fonds includes without limitations biographies of artists, drafts of articles, consulting reports, teaching material, correspondence, books, sound recordings (digital audio tapes, reel-to-reel tapes, cassette tapes, and CDs), newspaper clippings, notes, and photographs (on CD-ROM and printed out in black and white).

The fonds is organized in the following series:

P0203/A. – Personal life.

P0203/B. – Broadcasting.

P0203/C. – Radio consulting.

P0203/D. – Print journalism.

P0203/E. – Teaching.

P0203/F. – Resource materials.

Sans titre
Eric Wesselow fonds
P201 · Fonds · [192-?]-1998

The description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.

Sans titre
Peter K. Johnston fonds
P199 · Fonds · [193- ?]-2005

The Peter K. Johnston fonds contains documentation pertaining to the American Jazz musician Harry James (1916-1983) and the Big band era. The fonds primarily documents the musical career of Harry James as bandleader and trumpeter. It also includes information on the Montreal Vintage Music Society (MVMS), and on other jazz musicians, such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Metcalf, Oscar Peterson, and Glenn Miller, among many others.

The fonds contains memorabilia, correspondence, magazines, discographies, photographs, newspaper clippings, reference documentation, posters, moving images, and an audio recording, among other material. Some of the documents are arranged in scrapbooks.

The fonds is arranged in the following series :
P0199 / A Harry James
P0199 / B Other Jazz musicians
P0199 / C Peter Johnston as a collector

Sans titre
Warren Reid fonds
P198 · Fonds

The description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.

May Cutler fonds
P197 · Fonds · 1977-1979, 1991

The fonds relates to language and cultural policy in Quebec. First, it provides information on the implementation of bill 101, also known as Charter of the French Language, and the reactions of Anglophone publishers. Second, it provides information on the protest against the so-called Arpin-report, published 1991 under the title “Une politique de la culture et des arts”.

The fonds includes without limitation correspondence, newspaper clippings, government publications, newsletters, court documents

The fonds is organized into the following series:

P0197/A Quebec Publisher fight against Bill 101
P0197/B Fight against Arpin Report

Sans titre
Bill Stewart fonds
P195 · Fonds · [191-]-2004

The fonds documents William Stewart's early life, his family, his work as a World War II war correspondent, his later work as a journalist and executive with Canadian Press, and his activities in retirement. The fonds also documents the history of Canadian Press/La Presse Canadienne, Canadian politics, journalism, French-English relations in Canada, figures such as Roger Lemelin, J.W. Pickersgill, Claude Ryan, Clyde Gilmour, and other subjects.

The fonds includes news and feature articles by William Stewart in various forms (drafts, wire copy, clippings), correspondence received and sent, photographs, artwork, reports, newsletters, family documents, articles by other writers, and a small number of objects related to his work as a war correspondent and his later activity.

The materials are arranged in the following series:
P0195/1 Early life, family, visual art, diaries, personal documents, honors and awards
P0195/2 Correspondence with friends and colleagues
P0195/3 Canadian Press
P0195/4 Retirement, freelance activity
P0195/5 Canadian Press War Correspondents' Association
P0195/6 Canadian War Correspondents Association
P0195/7 Research materials

Sans titre
Mildred Ryerson fonds
P193 · Fonds

The description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.

Nick Morara fonds
P192 · Fonds · [193-?]-[195-]

The fonds relates to Montreal Nightlife and Nick Morara’s career as a chef in Montreal clubs. It illustrates the Montreal clubs and nightlife from the point of view of a non-musician working in the club scene. It also includes information on the Old Lantern Inn.

The fonds includes photographs, newspaper clippings, a club menu, a business card and a fee receipt card.

Sans titre
Alan Hustak fonds
P191 · Fonds · 1829-2005

The fonds is related to Alan Hustak’s work as a journalist and author. It consists mostly of research material on the Quebec physician and Montreal mayor of Irish origin Sir William Hales Hingston, (1829-1907). The material was collected by Alan Hustak in preparation of his book Sir William Hingston : Montreal Mayor, Surgeon and Banker, published in 2004. The research material and articles on pilot Albert Mah (1920-2005) and Canadian broadcaster Jimmy Tapp (1918-2004) give an insight in Hustak’s work as a journalist. The fonds also includes photographs of singer Norma Hutton.

The fonds includes without limitations correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, brochures, manuscripts, book chapters and personal documents. Most documents are reproductions, made in the 1990s or later.

The fonds is organized into the following series:
P0191/A. Research material on Sir William Hale Hingston
P0191/B. Journalistic work

Sans titre
Mary Mahon fonds
P189 · Fonds · 1915-1943

The materials in the fonds document the political and religious life of an Irish immigrant living in Montreal in the early 20th century.

The fonds includes correspondence, flags, and various memorabilia.

Sans titre
McCorkill Family fonds
P188 · Fonds · 1821-1928, 1995

The fonds illustrates life of an Irish immigrant family in the eastern Townships in the 19th century, and gives information on the decendants of John McCorkill.

The fonds consists of letters, accounting records, legal documents, and genealogical information on the McCorkill family.

Sans titre
Montreal Irish TV fonds
P187 · Fonds · 1983-2001

The description of this fonds is not available. Please contact Concordia University Libraries Special Collections for more information.

Haralds Grants family fonds
P185 · Fonds · 1951-1972

The fonds is related to Montreal nightlife in the 1950s and 60s. It gives an impression of the nightlife in a Montreal Downtown restaurant with its waiters and guests, remembered in photographs and autographs, the latter covering Canadian and international celebrities from sports and entertainment business.

The fonds includes autograph albums, photographs, brochures and postcards.

Sans titre
Mark Abley fonds
P182 · Fonds · 1857, 1874, 1878, [1899], [191-], [192-], 1940, [1948], 1963-[1967], 1972-2024, predominantly 1972-2015

The fonds documents Mark Abley’s career as a writer from 1972 to 2015 and his contribution to the Canadian literary culture. It reflects his work as journalist, especially for La Gazette, and his freelance writing in the fields of journalism, poetry, children’s books, editing, and non-fiction books. Furthermore, the fonds illustrates Abley’s various ways to give on his passion, be it through lectures, workshops, conferences, school visits or even religious services.
Finally, the fonds gives an insight into English literature from Quebec, especially poetry, dating from the 1970s to 2014, mainly through a collection of chapbooks and monographies, which are all signed by the authors. This collection is completed by several literary magazines and issues of Ogmios, the Journal of the Foundation for Endangered Languages.
The subjects of endangered languages and English as part of Quebec’s language culture have been repeatedly treated by Abley and can be found throughout the fonds.
The fonds also includes interviews that Abley conducted within the scope of his research with several English-speaking writers, such as Jane Goodall, Henry Kissinger, and others.
The fonds contains published as much as unpublished works by Mark Abley.

The fonds is organized into the following series:

P182/A Journalistic career
P182/B Freelance writer
P182/C Awards and scholarships
P182/D Outreach
P182/E Contacts with fellow writers
P182/F Literary publications by other authors

The fonds contains, but is not limited to, journals, publications, newspaper articles, notes, chapbooks, correspondence, drafts, drawings, lists, reviews, a will, photographs, invitations, poems, novels, grant applications, book excerpts, mock-up covers, directories, publicity material, a newsletter, permissions, reports, a score, scripts, contracts, comments, proof prints, agendas, CVs, policies, essays, posters, handouts, interviews, research material, ID-cards, programs, handouts, proposals, award certificates, speaking notes, song lyrics, a video, a multi-media, sound recordings, and a seed package.

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