The series consists mainly of newspaper clippings that include reviews of Layton’s works, comments and criticisms regarding Layton’s style as a poet, and editorials by Layton addressing criticism of his life and work. Many clippings concern the biography "Irving Layton, a portrait" by Elspeth Cameron (1985), as well as Layton’s criticism of the publication and its author. Newspapers include the Montreal Gazette, the Montreal Star, the Toronto Star, The Herald, the Globe and Mail, the McGill Daily, The Suburban, The Canadian Jewish News, and the Thursday Report (Concordia University). Also included are photocopies of excerpts from books and periodicals.
The series contains correspondence. Material consists of postcards from Irving Layton to Dora Pleet and a copy of a letter from Layton to Barbara Frum refuting a review of the biography "Irving Layton, a Portrait" by Elspeth Cameron.