Series consists of administrative documents created by René Balcer. Material consists of a chronology of achievements, proposal for a television production company, notes to the archivist and user regarding the material in the fonds, a log of progress made on early scripts, headshots, the writer’s resume and architectural plans for the Balcer residence.
Series contains agenda and message books relating to René Balcer Archives. Material consists of agendas, message books containing messages from phone calls, wall calendars, notebooks of drawings and treatment ideas.
Series contains articles relating to René Balcer and his work. Material consists of articles about the three Law & Order television series, a printout of webpage search results for Law & Order, blog posts about the shows, printouts of interviews with Balcer, audio interview about screen writing, and articles dealing with Universal and Vivendi studios.
Series contains awards, plaques and certificates awarded to René Balcer. Material consists of Emmy Award certificates, transcripts for high school, college, and university, from the Quebec Department of Education, music certificates and grades, and a certificate of promotion.
Series includes contracts and other legal documents related to René Balcer’s work. Material consists of contract agreements for Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Law & Order: Los Angeles, Movies of the Week agreements, assorted television series agreements, arbitration documents, audit settlements, copyright agreements, deposition transcripts, and rights agreements.
Series contains correspondence to and from René Balcer. Material consists of legal correspondences and memos regarding contract negotiations and depositions, correspondence regarding scripts, correspondence with specific individuals, fan mail, emails, memos, letters, correspondence relating to the production of Law & Order, and correspondence with networks.
Series consists of course work completed by René Balcer while a Communication Studied undergraduate student at Concordia University. Material consists of film analysis of Storm on Asia, La Chinoise, and film critiques.
Series contains expenses and finances relating to René Balcer. Material consists of travel expenses for René Balcer and his wife Carolyn, invoices and receipts from various projects, and meetings with clients.
Series includes records relating to the television series Hopewell. Material consists of drafts and final scripts, beat sheets, research, photographs of production stills used for the opening sequence, set design drawings for set construction and layout, photographs of set items with annotations about the colour, design and layout of a particular set, samples of flooring, paint colours, and shades used in the production, location agreements, a list of directors, cast and crew lists, schedules, production budgets, contacts, and contracts.
Series contains documents used for research and script development for Law & Order and Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Material consists of newspaper articles and printouts of research ideas focusing on themes of murder, kidnapping, suicide, law enforcement, informants, manslaughter, conflict of interest, jury misconduct, self-incrimination, the mob, juveniles, witness, surveillance, attorney-client privilege, tax fraud, and issues regarding aids, homosexuality, and transsexuality. The contents also feature a list of story ideas used in both series.
Series contains financial records relating to the series Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Material consists of episodic cost recaps, amortization cost reports, drafts and full budget reports for different seasons, production costs, and episodic cost breakdowns.
Series consists of production documents associated with the series Law & Order: Criminal Intent (LOCI). Material consists of filming schedules, scripts, administrative documents, cast lists, research regarding clearance of character and company names used in the production, broadcasting standards, screen credits, consulting documents, and beat sheets.
Series consists of production documents associated with the series Law & Order. Material consists of filming schedules, drafts and final scripts, administrative documents, cast list, set diagrams, props, research, broadcasting standards, screen credits beat sheets, DVDs of episodes, and the Law & Order production bible featuring samples of forms, sample budgets, press releases, production report and schedules, wardrobe and custom notes, props breakdown, location scouting information, crew and cast lists, and character breakdowns.
Series consists of production documents associated with the series Law & Order: Los Angeles (LOLA). Material consists of filming schedules, scripts, administrative documents, cast lists, set diagrams, props, research, broadcasting standards, on screen credits and beat sheets
Series consists of research associated with the series Law & Order: Los Angeles (LOLA). Material consists of news articles from newspapers and online news sources that were explored and consulted for story ideas for the series.
Series consists of works created by René Balcer. Material consists of drafts for a novel and short stories, a novel treatment for The Mother-in-Law Manual, which also includes research of the treatment, and other assorted writings including a poem “I Like Running Out of Time” by Balcer.
Series contains research relating to the Ruth Snyder murder trial. Material consists of copies of newspaper articles relating to the murder and the trial. Also included are copies of the trial transcripts. Material was collected and used by Balcer to write the script for the Ruth Snyder Story.
Series consists of records relating to various movies and television ideas developed by René Balcer. Material consists of script drafts, scripts, first white drafts, revised drafts, beat sheets, story synopses, story ideas, notes, and research material.
Series contains various projects produced by René Balcer in collaboration with other artists. Material consists of flash cards, a minidisc, correspondence and documentation and drafts of the poem “Backbone” used in Xu Bing’s exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Series consists of publications that relate to René Balcer and his work. Material consist of Physician’s Management Manuals edited by René Balcer, publications for award shows including the Emmy’s and the Golden Globes, publications from festivals and a children’s book about police officers.
Series consists of publicity and advertisement material collected by René Balcer. Material consists of publicity pamphlets for the Calligraffiti exhibit, publicity material for the production Gung Ho, and ads related to the Law & Order franchise.
Fonds consists of material created and accumulated by René Balcer. The fonds consists primarily of final versions and drafts of scripts, beat sheets, broadcast standards, schedules, research documents, and cast and crew lists from the original Law & Order series, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and Law and Order: Los Angeles and Hopewell. Other scripts included are France’s adaptation of Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Paris: Section Criminelle, Movie of the Week and television scripts including The Ruth Snyder Story, Hudson Valley, and Hopewell. Other material consists of individual projects, cost reports and travel expenses, various awards and certificates won for his service to the television industry, agendas, publications, articles, manuscripts and course material. The fonds also consists of DVDs of various productions including Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent, and Law & Order: Los Angeles, various photographs including production stills and scouting photographs for filming locations, set props, and set plans.
The fonds is divided into 24 series:
F011/A Administrative documents
F011/B Agendas
F011/C Articles and blogs
F011/D Award and certificates
F011/E Contracts and legal documents
F011/F Correspondence
F011/G Course Work
F011/H Expenses
F011/I Hopewell documents
F011/J Law & Order documents
F011/K Law & Order and Criminal Intent research and ideas
F011/L Law & Order: Criminal Intent documents
F011/M Law & Order: Criminal Intent costs
F011/N Law & Order: Los Angeles document
F011/O Law & Order: Los Angeles research
F011/P Manuscripts
F011/Q Movie of the Week and television documents
F011/R Movie of the Week research
F011/S Projects
F011/T Publications
F011/U Publicity and ads
F011/V Scrapbooks
F011/W Seminar and conferences
F011/X Statistics and figures
Series consist of scrapbooks put together by René Balcer. The scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings, printed articles, magazine clippings, invitations, awards, photographs, and passes. The material chronicles Balcer’s participation in the Law & Order, Law & Order: Criminal Intent and the Law & Order: Los Angeles series.
Series consists of seminar and conference documents. Material consists of speeches made by René Balcer at conferences and seminars on the subject of television and script-writing.
Series consists of documents created, collected, and related to the Law & Order franchise. The documents consist of financial documents and network figures, ratings of Law & Order episodes, and profits for Law & Order: Criminal Intent.