The sub-series consists of records relating to the acquisition of land or property by S.G.W. It contains notes and correspondence.
Alex Shenfield, Editor- in-Chief of the Georgian.
Arend Visser, BA '65.
Arthur Atkins, member of the SGW Board of Governors.
The sub-series consists of records pertaining to the Principal or Rector's relations with the National Conference of Canadian Universities (NCCU) from 1956 to 1961, and with its successor body, the Association of Universities and Colleges, from 1964 to 1984.
The series provides information on the relations between S.G.W. and external associations.
Associate Professor in the Department of Religion
The series provides information on S.G.W.'s capital and operating budgets.
The series provides information on the spending of money by S.G.W. It contains records on revised budgets for departments and offices (1962-1967), and on financial separation from the Y.M.C.A. (1967). It includes financial statements for the periods 1957-1958 and 1962-1967, budget control reports for 1966-1968, and the Treasurer's report for 1968.
The series provides information on the acquisition, planning, construction, renovation, use, and rental of buildings. It includes documents related to the administration and maintenance of properties.
C. F. Carsley, chancellor of Sir George Williams University from June 6, 1971 to August 10, 1973. He was the recipient of a degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa awarded by Sir George Williams University in June 1973.
Claude Willett Thompson, first Chair of the English Department.
The series provides information on student life, university planning and development, publicity, personnel, and numerous other matters. It includes records of internal committees, subcommittees, advisory committees, search committees, task forces, the Board of Governors, and the Senate. The series contains correspondence, reports, membership lists, a code of conduct, a copy of the University charter, and records related to bylaws and amendments, appointments, resignations, and election to and attendance at committees.
The series includes a large number of files covering a wide range of activity. A detailed list of file titles is given in the box contents listing included as an appendix to this finding aid. The committee files are grouped as follows: General, Board of Governors, Financial Aid to Students, Planning and Priorities, Publicity and Identity, Search Committees, Senate, Space and Buildings, University Committee on Development, and University Council on Student Life.
The series provides information on the proposal for the Application of Simulation on Computers for Long-range Efficient Planning in a University System (ASCLEPIUS) project in 1969, and on the use of the main computer in the Computer Centre in 1983. It contains a report, memoranda, a petition, and notes.
The sub-series consists of the records of the Principal or Rector's participation in CRÉPUQ. The sub-series contains records regarding meetings and projects involving the University.
The series provides information on the Principals' or Rectors' participation in seminars, conferences, receptions, installations, convocations, and special activities held on or off campus, and on events they participated in. The series includes lectures, speeches, correspondence, documents relating to the organization of internal conferences, notes, invitations, and citations. It contains photographs of the official opening of the Weisman Gallery and of convocations. The series is divided into the following sub-series:
I010/07A Conferences and seminars external
I010/07B Conferences and seminars internal
I010/07C Special activities.
The sub-series consists of records related to the construction and the renovation of the Norris Building and the Henry F. Hall Building. It contains correspondence with architects, minutes, sketches, and other documents.
Principal Kenneth E. Norris congratulating a student.
Dean Henry F. Hall giving a speech during the convocation ceremony held at St. James Church.
Principal Kenneth E. Norris handing out diplomas assisted by Douglass B. Clarke, Registrar. The convocation ceremony took place at St. James Church
Marjorie Williams (right)
Dean Henry F. Hall welcoming students on the platform and Principal Kenneth E. Norris giving students their degrees.